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"So what's your answer??", she asked looking in his eyes.
"I love you too", he said giving his boxy smile.
"I-If you are j-jokin' then pls... I don't
like such jokes", she said getting nervous. "Why would I joke about such thing?? I love you", he said giggling while she blushed harder. She looked away not able to have an eye contact with him.

"You did one more thing when you were drunk", he said smirking. "w-what..????", she asked gulping. "You kissed me right here", he said pointing at his lips. "I-I-", words didn't come out of her mouth.
"You did that because you were not in you senses but now you are in your senses and me too and whatever I'll do now is totally intentional", he said smirking.

Then next thing y/n could feel was his lips on hers.

Maybe time stopped when his lips met hers, but the flutter only intensified. Her heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth, how addictively he invaded all her senses.

It still wasn't clear if she dreamed this moment to life, but there was raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around hers. Taehyung kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination.

The kiss was fierce and passionate just like the very first one they had a few month ago.

But their moment was broken by a call and guess who it was...
My love Jiminieee

It was a video call from Jimin.

Both of them quickly parted from each other and adjusted themselves... though now both of them were feeling really shy around each other.

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