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On Airport

"I was waiting for you only", Stacy said. Y/n just hummed. "Are you okay??", she asked being concerned. "Yeah I am fine", she forced a smile and went ahead to do boarding, Stacy followed her quietly.

Time skips*

(Y/N's pov)
She kissed him. I know he didn't initiate it but it looked like he was kissing her back as well. She is more pretty than me as well. Why would he like me anyways?? He is shipped with n number of celebs who are much better than me. I am practically nothing infront of him.
Aish why did I gave myself hopes???? He will never like someone like me!!

Tears fell out of her eyes while didn't go unnoticed by stacy. She quickly wiped her tears and tried to sleep.

Time skipsss... in the car
"Y/n can I ask you something?", Stacy said suddenly while she nodded. "Since you came after meeting your friends, you don't seem alright. Did something happen??", she asked. "N-nah nothing happened. I was just missing them", she said looking out towards road.

"Stacy what would you do if you fell in love with a celebrity??", y/n asked casually. "What? Noway I'll fall for a celebrity!! Come on I am not a teenager. I am mature enough to know the reality, why would any celebrity will date a commoner like me", she said laughing. Y/n nodded and forced laughter.
"She is right", y/n thought insude her head.

Time skips*
(Y/N's pov)
I reached the house and lied on the bed after changing. But my mind was still busy thinking about Taehyung. It was the mistake of girl!!! But it can be him too!!! He kissed me too when he was drunk.
Ahhhhh.... whatever!!!

Time skips to few days later...
She wasn't thinking about Taehyung anymore and got herself busy with her jobs.
She as usual woke up, did her daily routine and got ready for office. She took her laptop to edit her vlog of Korea for YT.

Her day was as usual busy in office.

"Come on I'll drop you today since you are not having car today", Brent said whike she agreed.

In car
Brent: It's your birthday tomorrow!!
Y/n: ohh yeahh!! you remembered??
Brent: offcourse
Y/n just passed him a small smile.
Brent: do you have any plans??
Y/n: umm yeahh, I was thinking to take rest tomorrow and spend some time with myself, since few months have been really tiring.
Brent: ohh.. okay

(Y/N's pov)
If I had said no then, he would have asked me out, its not like I don't want to go, it's just I know he likes me and I don't want to give him any hopes!!
So I have to be a little rude and avoid him.

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