A random weird dude who passionately kisses his girlfriend in public

Start from the beginning

I could soon feel something hardening underneath me and of course his touches triggered something in me, too. His wandered from my lower back to my butt while we still kissing passionately. A sigh left my mouth and I pressed myself even closer against his body, not caring about my mind that again tried to stop me from doing these things yet. „Are you sure you wanna do this?", Niko asked after a while. „I don't think this is a good idea.. Not much time has passed since yesterday evening and I don't think you changed your mind that quickly, am I right?" Before I whispered „Yeah... I'm sorry", I shrugged. Of course he was right I hadn't changed my mind but I enjoyed his touches too much to stop this now.

„I thought so. Then what about cuddling for a while and after having breakfast you show me Helsinki?", Niko suggested and turned as around again. He then started caressing my cheek and placed a few kisses on my forehead. „Okay." I wrapped my left arm around him tightly and with my right hand, I carefully pulled his head closer to mine and kissed him again. „But only if I get a few more kisses." „Of course. Everything for my darling", Niko whispered before he closed the gap between our lips again. If only I could spend every morning like this, I wished. Cuddling with him was everything I needed at the moment but unfortunately, he had to leave soon. But until that, I didn't want to think about it and enjoy the time we had together.

About an hour later, Niko and I were on our way to the city centre. „So, what do you wanna see?" „I don't know, just show me what you think is worth it. I'll follow you", Niko looked at me before he suddenly connected our hands and intertwined our hands. My gaze wandered from our hands to his face, he was smiling as widely as I was. I didn't understand why he had intertwined our fingers because at least I always thought that this was something only couples do but I couldn't deny that it felt good. His hand was so warm and soft around mine, better than every glove that I'd usually wear this time of the year.

After a while of silently walking next to each other, Niko started talking again. „You said you don't have a lot of time at the moment, neither during the weeks because of university nor at the weekends because you then have to study.." „Yeah, that's true. Unfortunately. I'd love to see you more often", I whispered when I could feel Niko's grip around my hand tightening a bit. „You can believe me, spending more time with you is everything I wish at the moment... But actually that's not what I wanted to ask. Next Saturday my sister celebrates her birthday and I thought maybe you'd like to come, too?", he looked at me questioningly.

He wanted me to join his sister's birthday party? Maybe that could be cool, getting to know his sister and probably the boys would be there too so I could spend some more time with them, too, I thought. By now, they were like my second family. Even though I hadn't spend as much time with them, only when I visited Niko and Tommi at the studio when they were recording songs for their new album, I got along with all of them really well and loved to spend time with them. It was never boring with this chaotic bunch of guys, I had probably never laughed as much in a day as with Niko's and Tommi's friends. They seemed to accept me pretty well because according to Niko, they asked him and Tommi regularly if I could join their parties. And sometimes they even texted me individually to just talk.

Thus, celebrating his sister's birthday seemed to be a good opportunity to see the guys again and have some fun. If only I wouldn't have to study so much. „That sounds great... But everything is so busy at university at the moment. I had to study yesterday's evening too and the time I know spend with you is also time I can't use for studying. That means that the next weeks will be even busier because I have to study the stuff we learned this week, too. I don't think I'll manage to come to Oulu, although I want to... Sorry", I looked at him apologizing.

„Don't be sorry, I already expected this answer... But what do you think about this: We now spend some time in Helsinki, you show me your favorite places, and after that I help you studying? You could explain everything to me to make sure you understood everything and can remember it. Isn't that the best and the fastest method to study? And we could do the same next Saturday. I'd come to Helsinki and help you studying on our way back to Helsinki. Of course you still couldn't study as much as without celebrating but I'm sure you wouldn't miss that much. Additionally, I'm convinced that you need some kind of distraction from studying, why not by spending some time with your best friends? You wouldn't have to drink alcohol so a possible hangover is no reason to refuse either", Niko looked at me and by his gaze I could tell he truly wanted me to join them, he'd do everything to spend that day with me.

„I can't say no anymore can I?", I looked at him and when his puppy dog eyes found my gaze and looked at me, hoping I'd agree, I couldn't say no anymore. „Okay, I'll come with you." „Yay", Niko grinned and suddenly he stopped to hug me tightly. „I knew you wouldn't say no to spending some time with me." What a confident man, I thought as I felt his right index finger lifting my chin. His gaze wandered back and forth between my eyes and my lips, waiting for the permission to kiss me here in public.After checking whether there were people around us who could recognize Niko as a member of a famous band – which luckily was not the case – I connected our lips softly.

„I just wanted to ask if you've ever been told how addictive your lips are but since I know that the answer is now, I'll now gladly tell you about it: Sofia, I can't get enough of kissing you", Niko whispered after pulling a way a bit before he again placed his lips on mine. „Me neither. I don't know what you've done to me. A few months ago, I thought I wouldn't receive my first kiss the in near future and I'd never kiss someone I'm not in a relationship with because I want deep feelings to be involved and now I'm standing here, kissing the singer of a quite well known band in public and enjoying every second of it", I answered in a short break of kissing to get some air.

„I guess we share something we didn't expect us to share when we first met at my birthday", Niko thought loudly before he carefully pressed his body against mine, making me stumble backwards until I felt the wall of a building pressing against my back. I was now standing between the wall and since Niko supported himself with his hands pressed against against the wall behind me, I didn't have any chance to escape. I had never expected me to think this but I liked it.

I somehow liked how Niko now pressed himself against me and kissed me with more passion than before. Usually I hated to be stuck somewhere and not able to move but know I somehow felt comfortable, I knew Niko wouldn't do anything I didn't want and that he'd always protect me. With any other man standing in front of me, now matter how well I knew him, I'd probably want to run away but Niko made me enjoy the domination he had over me.

„Aren't you afraid of anyone seeing us? The news could be full of information about you allegedly having a girlfriend", I whispered. „I checked that there's nobody near us, this street doesn't seem to be that crowded. Additionally, I'm not wearing any merch and with the beanie on my head, it should be hard to recognize me. Especially now that I'm facing the wall people can't see my face. They'll think I'm just a random weird dude who passionately kisses his girlfriend in public. So, don't worry, I'm sure this is a safe place to share some kisses. Otherwise I wouldn't have held your hand or kissed you because what I want the least is you being drawn into public. I don't want anyone to publish a photo from you or try to find any information about that girl I spend my time with. That's none of their business!", Niko reassured me before he placed a kiss on my forehead.

„Thank you", I whispered and hugged Niko tightly. Again, I noticed what a great boyfriend Niko would be: A caring, protective boy who doesn't do something without being sure about the consequences yet someone to have a lot of fun with. „Everything for you, my darling", Niko answered quietly before he kissed me again. I instantly answered the kiss by carefully moving my lips against his ones. He was right, our kisses were addictive as hell. But as I opened my eyes again after I had buried my head in the crook of his neck for a while, it wasn't Niko's smile but the building on the other side of the street that caught my attention.

Guys, I'm so excited to finally listen to „Bad idea"! What do think about the parts we could already listen to? And what do you think about this chapter?

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now