On their way to classes, Téchni students were talking. Mijin was absolutely sleep deprived due to yesterday's nightmare, and spent all night turning and toiling about the bed because of the tip-tapping of Sayuri's laptop. She was not much of an ASMR person.

MIJIN- *sarcastic tone* What are you talking about? I had enough sleep, don't the dark circles on my face show?!
RENJUN- Jeez at least quit being salty when you are sleepy.
JAEMIN- Sis then how you gonna do classes? You look like you will literally faint.
MIJIN- *yawns* My sleep schedule is already wrecked, I'll deal with it. Either ways, we got an important lecture today, what was it again-
JAEMIN- Photojournalism by Professor Bang.
MIJIN- Exactly. Can't afford to miss that. Well we should go now, I don't wanna be late.
RENJUN- Good point. Catch y'all at lunch.

JAEMIN- Yeah right. Bye y'all. Bye Nono :)
MIJIN- That was so cringe that I woke up completely. Thank you so much. I'll be going now. Bye.

Mijin headed to her locker across the hallway to get the study materials.

MIJIN- OMG so scared.. aah *unimpressed* The hell you doing in Techni?

DONGHYUCK- I am everywhere. *insert an excessively dramatic Hyuck*
MIJIN- Not like anyone wants that. Can't you just delete yourself already.

Though it might not seem like it, Hyuck and Mijin, had actually found a lot in common. 4-5 months were literally enough for the rest of gang to realize that they were literally soulmates. And that had started becoming a problem. Why you ask? Just ask any person who had been the victim of their prank wars. Basically you can ask anyone in the gang.

Mijin and Hyuck together had officially become the new definition of some kind of mischief under process. It also meant hundreds of inside jokes that none of the others (who had been friends with Donghyuck for more than 10 years mind you) understood. It had been a slow process but they had actually become the best of friends, a shocker for anyone who had seen them 4-5 months ago. 

 DONGHYUCK- Girl just admit it I'm amazin-

MIJIN- -gly stupid. I know. In fact you are so dumb that it blows my mind. How do you manage to do it Lee Donghyuck?

If we ever played a 'Most Likely To..' game and the question was "Most likely to be the only person in the universe (counting the aliens, courtesy of Huang Renjun) to shut Donghyuck up" there would be only one name. Suh Mijin.

MIJIN- Either ways, what are you doing in Techni?
DONGHYUCK- Thinking of you. I mean, that's all I do irrespective of where I'm at. ;)
MIJIN- The actual hec- WE TALKED ABOUT THIS. NO CRINGY PICK UP LINES. And why you be thinking about me, what are you, my mother?

DONGHYUCK- If ruining that was what you wanted to do then great job woman. Anyways, what's the tea?
MIJIN- The tea is not hot at all because I'm literally drained out. I want to go back to the dorm and sleep.
DONGHYUCK- Why did you not get sleep last night?
MIJIN- No. And judging from that hair all over the place I can conclude that YOU slept in.
DONGHYUCK- I totally did not I, miss girl, have a very-
MIJIN- Just say it.
DONGHYUCK- Okay fine I did. And? And it isn't my fault really, you see last night I-

MIJIN- -had a horrible nightmare?

MIJIN- Because same. I had a nightmare last night too.

DONGHYUCK- Don't tell me you heard those cliché voices from the movies talking in some language with a lot of passing light-
MIJIN- You mean French. They were speaking French.

DONGHYUCK- You know French?
MIJIN- I mean, I know it well, if I say so myself.

DONGHYUCK- Umm.. uhh.. 
MIJIN- Don't do that again-
DONGHYUCK- If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go-
MIJIN- That's literally English. 
DONGHYUCK- Umm then bella ci-
MIJIN- THAT'S LITERALLY- *chuckles* you know what- forget it. No need to reply back.

DONGHYUCK- Thank you. So like, you know what those voices were saying?
MIJIN- I couldn't hear them clearly actually, I mean it was something like.. kill.. don't.. you know what I don't have the brain power to think of that- *bell rings* AND I HAVE A LECTURE WITH MS. BANG SO BYE I'LL BE SKKRT-ING MY WAY OUTTA HERE AND SO SHOULD YO-
DONGHYUCK- Ms. Bang? *flashbacks to another fanfiction plot* yeah, Ms. Bang. Right.

MIJIN- You know her?

Lee Donghyuck don't you dare to do that I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING TO DO NO IDEAS I FORBID YOU TO DO THAT-

DONGHYUCK- Naah. Never heard of her. 
MIJIN- I don't have the time to deal with your shenanigans and I presume you have lectures too-
DONGHYUCK- Our lectures start late today, so I just wanted to waste your time because you are the first person I saw here. :)

MIJIN- Jeez how considerate you are of my time. Really appreciate it. Now bye. Begone.
DONGHYUCK- Dramatic ass girl- okay sure whatever. Bye.



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