4: Antonio's Gift Ceremony

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Mirabel's Pov:

Camilo and I have been spending so much time together now. It's fun having someone to talk to, especially if it's Camilo! He's really funny! Each time I see him I can't stop laughing! We make inside jokes together, play games together and basically talk each all the time. Camilo is best primo ever!

It was almost time for Antonio's gift ceremony. I was quite sad about it because Abuela forced me not to be in any family event. The decorations were almost up. Camilo didn't really have time for because Abuela kept on sending him on errands. I was fine with it though. I went out for walk saw some people talking about Antonio's gift ceremony.

"Just 30 more minutes till Antonio's gift ceremony! I can't wait!" a girl squealed. I sighed but smiled again. 'I'm proud of my family!' I walked back inside after my walk and saw Camilo. "Oh hey Mirabel!" Camilo hugged me. "Woah! Woah! Woah! What's the hug for?" I question. "What? I can't hug my baby prima anymore?" Camilo smirked, making me laugh.

"Yes, Camilo you can!" I laughed. Camilo kissed me on my forehead. "Promise me you won't hurt yourself while I'm gone?" I sighed. "I won't!" my sad expression immediately changed to a smile. "Well you have to go now! I love you see you later!" I waved good bye to Camilo and he did to me.
Antonio was just about to walk up but he stopped. "Mirabel!" Antonio whispered to me. I shook my head saying I couldn't. I was in the shadows so no one could see me. I wanted to see Antonio walk to his door and then I would leave. He held out his hand and looked at me with puppy eyes. "Please! I need you!: Antonio called for me. I met eyes with Abuela and worry started to come over me. I pinned my cardigan and stepped out. 'Remember Mirabel, this is for Antonio!' I told myself and sighed. I placed a fake smile on and walked hand in hand with Antonio.

We walked to his door and I let go of his hand. I smiled. Antonio held the candle and walked to his door. He touched the door handle and nothing happened. Then a toucan came to Antonio and started making noises. "Uh huh! Uh huh! I understand you!" Antonio smiled. "What is that?! Of course they can come!" different sorts of animals come into the casita. I was amazed myself.

"We have a new miracle!" Abuela shouts as everyone goes wild. The door opens to an enchanted room like forest. Abuela dragged me back. I looked at her and she looked at me. "If I see you in there then a bigger punishment is going to happen," I gulped and left.

"Don't be upset or mad at all~... don't feel regret or sad at all~," I sniff. "Hey, I'm still a part of the family Madrigal~... and I'm fine, I am totally fine~. I will stand on the side as you shine! I'm not fine, I'm not fine!~" I wipe the tears in my eyes. "I can't move the mountains~!" I think of my sister Luisa who can. "I can't make the flowers bloom!~" I talk about my perfect sister Isabella. "I can't take another night up in my room, waiting on a miracle!~" I run up the stairs and saw a picture frame. Inside was my mother.

"I can't heal what's broken!~" I touched the frame. "Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane!~" I saw my tía next to my mami. "Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain!~ Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle!~" I run outside on the balcony. "Always walking alone!~ Always wanting for more!~ Like I'm still at that door longing to shine~, like all of you shine!~" I walk away from the balcony and walk away the celebration. I'm now walking down the corridors passing the door rooms.

"All I need is a change!~ All I need is a chance!~ All I know is I can't stay on the side!~ Open your eyes~, open your eyes~, open your eyes!~" I saw a picture of Abuela on her door. "I would move the mountains~, make new trees and flowers grow!~ Someone please just let me know, where do I go?!~ I am waiting on a miracle~, a miracle~!" I dance in the hallways. :I would heal what's broken~, show this family something new!~ Who I am inside, so what can I do?!~ I'm sick of waiting on a miracle~, so here I go!~" I run outside.

"I am ready~, come on, I'm ready!~
I've been patient~, and steadfast~, and steady!~ Bless me now~ as you blessed us all those years ago!~
When you gave us a miracle!~ ...am I too late for a miracle?~" I walked back inside. I saw a the rooftop tile falling in the floor. Cracks in the walls everywhere! I cut myself as I held the rooftop tile in my hands. "No! No! No! I told Camilo I wouldn't hurt myself! Mirabel hold yourself together!" I took deep breaths in and out. I ran to Antonio's door and looked for Abuela.

"Abuela! I saw the cracks in the walls! There're happening again!" Abuela looked at me as if I was crazy. Everyone walked out the room, following me. But when I got there everything was fine. What? "No! No! No! It was there! It was all here!" Abuela looked at me with angry eyes. "Don't believe her! Our miracle has become even stronger than before! She's just seeing things!" Abuela acted so kind to everyone.

"Now let's have a drink shall we?!" everyone entered Antonio's room and it was now just me and Abuela. Right then and there I remembered what Abuela told me. "And as for you! You are no longer allowed to talk to any Madrigal! You think I can let you spread your lies about me?! Ruin Antonio's gift ceremony?! Not a chance! I do not want to hear a word from you young lady! Do I make myself clear?!" I held back tears in my eyes. It soon started streaming down my face as I looked Abuela in the eye.

"I am never good enough for you am I? No matter how hard I hard I try, I will never be good enough for you!" I walked away from Abuela. My chest aching, not being able to handle the unbearable pain. "I'm sorry Camilo but I need this!" I shattered the glass cup in my room and began to cut myself. I cried as I did this. Not because of the pain but because of how much I hate myself. I have no one but myself to talk to! I'm miserable!

Encanto: No Matter How Hard I TryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя