1: Trying To Say Sorry

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Mirabel's Pov:

I decided to say sorry to the entire Madrigals. I said sorry to my mami and papi first then I went to sat sorry to Luisa. "Hey Luisa! I'm so sorry about the casita! I didn't mea-" Luisa cut me off with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry Mirabel but I can't talk right now," and like that Luisa left.

So I went to my other sister Isabella and tried apologising to her. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey Isa! I'm so sorry about your proposal! On the bright side, the casita is back together again!" I made an imperfect smile hoping Isa would understand. "You ruined my proposal and expect me to welcome you with open vines?! Not a chance! Get out!" Isa yelled at me.

"But Isa!" I tried talking her out of it. "Do not call me that ever again! Get out!" vines wrapped round my ankles, wounding me. "I'm sorry please! I can make it up to you I promise! Isa!" I tell Isa. "What did I tell you?!" Isa's door opened and her vines dragged me out her room.

"Get out!" she realized her vines and I was sent back hitting my head on the back on the banister. Blood dripped from the back of my head. "Mirabel! I am so sorry!" Isa came running to me. "I'm fine just go back to your room!" I smiled. My vision was blurry. "No! I can't have you like thi-" "JUST GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM ISABELLA!" I yelled making her stop.

I cover my mouth and look at her with worried eyes. "I am so sorry! I'll leave now!" I said running away crying. I entered my room slamming the door shut. I couldn't believe she would do such a thing. My ankles are bleeding as well as my head. I was on so much pain that I could even walk properly. I stayed in my room and cried myself to sleep.

(The next day)

Julieta's Pov:

Mirabel didn't come down after she apologised to me and mi vida. I started getting worried about her. "Luisa have you seen Mirabel recently?" I looked at my second oldest daughter. "No but I saw her early on! She tried talking to me but I told her I was a bit busy!" Luisa seemed just as worried as I was.

"Isabella?" Isabella looked like she was about to cry. "I'm a horrible sister!" she bursted into tears. "I hurt her!" I was shocked. "I accidentally threw her to banister!" I comforted Isabella with a hug. "I'll get her some of my arepas!" I ran to Mirabel's room with food on a plate and knocked on the door.

There was no response. "Mirabel!" I knocked on her door and her door slowly opened. I sae a drained Mirabel standing weakly at the door. "Hi mami..." she sounded dead. I hugged her and noticed the blood on her head and ankles. "Oh my!" I cried seeing my baby girl like this.

"I'm fine mami!" Mirabel's face looked comforting but her voice was something else. It sounded like she had no loved her voice anymore. I entered her room and saw her bed covered in blood I took the sheets off and placed new ones. I layed Mirabel down gently on her bed and kissed her forehead.

"Ahhh!" I said gesturing her to open her mouth. She sat up on her bed and opened her mouth as I fed her. Her wounds were healed after eating the meal I made for her. Call me if you need anything! I walked down stairs to walk the dishes.

Mirabel's Pov:

After my mother left I looked around my room and found a razor. I took a deep breath and began to cut myself. I felt all my pain go away and I actually felt happy. I felt all my worries go away. I felt joy! I don't know why it felt so good but... it just felt amazing!

'Shit!' I realised I had no bandages. There wasn't a single bandage used in 45 years thanks to mami. I took my sewing machine out and began making a dark blue cosy cardigan for myself. It was another to hid my scars. Once I finished I placed it on and grabbed myself an arepa. "What are you doing?" I jumped at the voice and turn around to see Camilo.

Encanto: No Matter How Hard I TryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя