"Just do it" Chris yelled trough the phone, "just do your damn job. That is what i pay you for." The sudden yelling made me jump. And Dodger walked over to me nudging my leg with his nose. "I am okay buddy" i whispered. Chris ended his phone call apologizing for yelling making me smile knowing that in the heat of the moment he was angry but hated himself for yelling. 

I stood back up continuing with breakfast. "You okay baby?" he asked. "I am fine i just dont like it when you're so riled up because of me." He sighed shaking his head. "Not because of you baby but because of them." 

"But what can they do about it, its not like if you ask them nice, and they will think o okay we will stop."  Chris looked at me determent. "First of all we can try to make sure the photos of today wont be published." I roll my eyes, "Oh please Chris i dont care about some stupid photos. The only thing i found scary was how close they came to me. I could barely get trough the gate. Most of all that i they dont watch out for Dodger who was getting scared clinging to my legs. I dont care about all the questions or if an unflattering photo would appear in some stupid article, i mean i didn't answer any of the stupid questions. The only thing leaving my lips was if they would please step back because they where scaring Dodger." 

"What kind of questions?" he asks. "Oh you know the usual i shrug my shoulders,"not wanting to rile him up more. "Liv..... ?" He says now in a more serious and forceful tone, I sigh.   "They just asked if we where serious. if we where living together and if you where using you for your fame. If the spice parts of my book where based on you and how our sex life is. How it felt to have bagged Americas most eligible bachelor and if i thought we would make it past, and i quote the Chris Evans one year mark."  

"I am sorry baby" he started to say but i had enough. "STOP!" i said a little louder. "Stop blaming yourself," i immediately felled guilty for yelling. "Sorry i didn't mean to yell but you have to stop blaming yourself. If you want me to not feel guilty for causing this drama then you have nothing to be sorry for. Now go get changed and ill finish breakfast. And after that we will go shopping for tonight and get our groceries for the next few days.  And maybe we could get some stuff for Asher i say pouting." Chris laughs, "anything you want baby. And who is your vet because i want him chipped as soon as he gets here." 

Chris pov.

While Liv was finishing breakfast i was going to get dressed. My phone rang standing between the racks of our clothes in the guestroom. It was my lawyer, i answered the phone bracing myself for the bad news i thought was coming. 

"Hey Chris, sorry to bother you. But i got some good news and bad news." I took a deep breath, "lay it on me" i said. "I tried to get a sort of restraining order for the area surrounding your house. And i got a temporary one but i doubt it would help. But every time you see them within 10 miles of your house you have to call the police so we can go from there if it gets worse. I notified the police department in your area and the where happy to help. Telling me to tell you to call whenever. I send you the number of the police station you can call so you dont have to call 911. Than the bad news. I couldn't get a restraining order for when you are outside off the 10 miles area. Also i couldn't stop the pictures and videos but i have seen them and it is not that bad, she only got agitated when they came close to Dodger. And even then she was polite. I got to tell you Chris that is one strong woman." 

"Yes she is" i said smiling trough the phone, "that she is. Thanks for your time and doing this on such short notice."  My lawyer chuckled, "Its okay Chris but remember this will only be for 2 months."   I let out a sigh. "That is okay because in a few weeks we will be away for a while as i will be filming."  "Good luck with that, and if you need anything just call." Thanks man i said. 

I hung up and put on some clothes. I walked towards the kitchen and we sat down to eat. I explained to Liv what my lawyer had said and what to do when they where in front of the house. "Chris" she said looking at me. "Can you promise me something please?  I look at her as she stands there batting her eyes at me, "What sweetheart?" Her eyes look pleading when she says "can we just enjoy the day and not have them spoil our mood. We will keep Dodger at home so he will be save and lets not let them ruin our day."  I smile at her "Okay baby i said kissing her. I promise." God i thought to myself she is amazing and i wished we could just stay in, and stay in bed all day. But if i would give into that feeling i would never ever leave the house again.

We first went to the pet store picking some stuff  up, Liv went a little craze squealing at all the cute toys and dog beds. I watched her walk trough the store getting the stuff she wanted of course not forgetting Dodger and picking him up just as many toys as for Asher and even a new dog bed. "Baby..." i said laughing "Dodger has toys," She sighed. "I know but i dont want him to feel left out. Dont worry baby he will think Asher is a toy i chuckled." She looked at me trying to give me a stern look but failing miserably.  "Well i am still taking all of it i dont care" she said pouting. We walked to the leashes picking out some leashes and collars. She picked some out for the puppy stage and for when Asher would get bigger. "What else do we need?" she said walking trough the aisles. "Oeh of course" she said taking my hand pulling me along our shopping cart dragging along. We arrived at the dog food aisle and she loaded the puppy food the lady told her they used and getting some of the brand Dodger ate to mix them to transition Asher to our brand.

It was absolutely adorable seeing her to see her running around all exited. My mind drifted, thinking about shopping for baby clothes with her, she would be an amazing mom and i couldnt wait to get her pregnant.  I internally scolded myself for thinking like that, but god i wondered how she would look pregnant and glowing. Maybe i should ask her to marry me first i thought or was it to soon, but because of talking about baby's i wondered was it to soon? Maybe i should just find a ring and when the moment felt right ask her. I mean we did everything at super speed so why not this i knew there was no one else for me this was it. The times people called her Mrs Evans made me exited and i liked it, i never felt the need to correct it.  

"Baby!" she yelled pulling me out of my daydream/internal monologue, "you okay?" she smirked "you where far far away."  I smiled at her, "just thinking baby." She pouted at me "You wanna share?" she said sliding her arms around my waist looking up at me. "Because it looked like a good thought." I looked down and smirked at her again. "I was just thinking about you and me and Asher and Dodger" i said leaving the whole proposing thing out.  "Well Mr Evans that sounds like a fun thought indeed."  I chuckle at the Mr Evans thing and took it as a sign "It was Mrs Evans" i said smirking. She blushed mumbling something and i thought i heard something along the line of, god i like the sound of that.  She walked away but i pulled her back in pressing my lips on hers kissing her hard. A little moan escaping her lips. 

We went to the cash register and paid for the stuff, she insisted to pay even though i said it was part of the gift. 

We walked to the car and i couldn't help but feel relieved there where no paparazzi there. We put everything in the back and drove to the store to pick up the groceries. Liv had the brilliant idea to pre-order everything so all we had to do was pick it up. After that we went home to set everything up and just relax a bit before our party. I had also invited Mackie and Seb to surprise Liv,  because in the short time they had got to know each other they had become great friends, and i loved that. Their banter always makes me smile she doesn't hold back when it comes to my work friends...Where others would be a little bit intimidated she just ..... was herself not bothering with the whole fame thing, 

It started at ChristmasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin