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(2nd/3rd person POV)
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TIME: 11:57 P.M.

The sounds of a woman and a man arguing could be heard through the thin walls of the cheap apartment complex. The man and the woman were known as kaya and ray smith, the man and woman of the smith family.

Farther down the hall, a 10 year boy could be heard crying. This boy was known as Kai, the first (and last) child of the Smith family.

'Why can't mommy and daddy stop fighting? I've done everything ‘I can think of to make them happy, I've kept the house clean, and cooked when they don't want to, and I've stayed quiet...'

The young boy was in tears as his parents' marriage started to fall apart, But his parents never noticed their son's tears, for they were too caught up in their problems.


The young boy's heart seemed to stop. 'Mom slept with somebody?' The 10 year old boy knew what it meant, but was shocked nevertheless. Kai heard footsteps coming down the hall where he was sitting, and he quickly got up and ran to his small room.
As he shut the wood door to his room he heard his mother yell; "WELL HE WAS BETTER IN BED THAN YOU WHERE, RAY!"

Kai shut his door all the way as his father came down the hall to their shared room, one that's directly across from Kai's.
As Kai sat on his bed, he looked around his small room. The walls were a faded red-gray, like the dark smoke of the sky in stormy nights, with dark wood floors.
He had one small window in his room, the only one that got any view to the outside world in the bedrooms. His room only had his bed, a small desk with a lamp on it, one shelf with some books of plants and medicine (which was not allowed in the lower district that he lived in, unless you were a doctor, or were training to be one), some mechanic books from his dad, a small faded cream rug, and his dresser with clothes, and his backpack on the back of his metal chair.

To be honest, it was a pretty depressing room to be in.

'When will things be ok again?' Kai thought to himself as he looked out his small window.
Kai eventually fell asleep, and his sleep was plagued with nightmares of his parents' yells, the burning smell of the air outside, and the symptoms of the flare virus that's been drilled into his mind from a young age. When Kai awoke, he was not rested at all. In fact, he felt more drained now then when he woke up. He got up from his bed and walked to the shower.

He turned on the water, hopefully it was hot or even warm this time. But it wasn't, it was cold, but that was normal in the lower district. He washed his hair and his body. He was kind of tall for his age, but that was only temporary. The other boys in his class are getting their growth spurts, but he has not.

As he got out of the small shower, and dried off, he looked in the mirror. His brown hair was nothing like his parents, he had a small scar that crossed his lip (one he got from a fist fight in school), and random spots on his face and shoulders. They were small enough to be mistaken for freckles, but they were too dark for that, so they called them spots or soot marks.

His Amber eyes were like his dad's though, so that was a relief. His skin tone was on the darker side, from his father, but it just looked tan, despite the fact that he was inside most of the time.

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