The Queen 2

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"Enough! Don't irritate me too much. You're aware..." Queen Ivana looked back and pointed at her servant's nose.
Jessy just pouted and continued arranging the queen's hair.
Queen Ivana looked back at the mirror with an irritated look. "Instead of looking for a cure for this horrible illness and stopping me every time it attacks, you're even tolerating me. You're pushing me to do what this damn illness wants. Hashh!"
"Your highness, we have already tried everything. All the physicians have no idea how to cure it. Besides, there's never been another case just like this before. If there is, surely no woman would dare to say that she has a sex addiction and will die without having sex."
The queen sighed. "Enough!"
"You got thinner and sick the last time I locked you up when your illness attacked. You almost died, but not until you had sex with the emperor again. Only a man can give you a..."
"A temporary solution?" Queen Ivana let out a fake laugh. "Hahaha! My illness is being addicted to sex and having a desire to have sex with just about any man. How can attaining such a desire be a cure? I hate having these desires. I hate fulfilling these horrific desires. If only you knew how I felt, Jessy." She shook her head. Her eyes, which lately were so lively and happy, became teary and full of hatred.
Jessy didn't speak anymore. A few more words from her will surely ruin the day of the queen.
A few moments later, Ivana's hair was already tied, and it looked like a round flower from the back. Jessy immediately took the golden crown and placed it on her head.
Then, the queen stood up and turned around, looking like the most confident and magnificent woman in the world.
"Forget what has been talked about and what has already happened. Let's go. We have to do our task for today."
Jessy bowed her head while Queen Ivana started to walk towards the door. The queen stopped three steps from the door while her servant quickly opened it. Then, they continued to get out of the Sy Palace.

Queen Of PleasureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ