Thriller 2

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It was a bleak morning inside the reception room of the mansion of the minister of taxes. There's a seat inside where the minister was currently sitting. A thin report book from an official is now covering his face. A table with a lot of documents and report books was in front of him.
For his special guests, there are two tables on both the left and right sides of the room. The rest of the room was an empty space that was intended for the messengers, lower court officials, and other visitors.
A messenger suddenly came, breaking the silence inside the reception room.
"Report!" the messenger shouted, and he immediately opened the door.
Minister Raymond Li immediately put down the book, revealing his handsome face at the age of 45. He looked like a 30 year old man with his ruddy complexion and minister's uniform, which is a light green dress.
He looked at the messenger with a serious facial expression.
The messenger bowed his head. "Mr. Li, pardon me for barging inside your reception room and disturbing your work. I have something very important to report."
"It's alright." His tone was as serious as he looked. "Speak it out."
"Ah-eh, your, your..." He immediately stuttered, which made the minister look confused.
"Is there a big problem?" Mr. Li asked. He didn't move, but a glimpse of curiosity could be seen in his eyes.
"Sir, ah.. your son was killed in the streets near the inn where he often goes," he said with his eyes closed. He knows that he will be flogged once the minister gets angry.
He shouted, "Outrageous!" as he stood up and strongly threw his hands on the table.
With his head bowed, he clasped his hands together at chest level. "I was just relaying the information, sir. I have seen your first son's corpse with my own eyes already."
"Richard?" His eyes widened with rage. "Where is he? Who killed him?"
"Your son is in the morgue now. There's a witness saying that, that..." He was stuttering, which made the minister even more angry.
"That what? Do you want to be flogged?" he shouted.
The messenger immediately kneeled down. "They said that it was Anony who killed him."
"What!?" Raymond asked in shock.

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