Entry 062: Shinichiro Sano

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Not a really angsty  but has suicide thoughts so warning!~ angst to fluff


Another day of suffering, another day of agony, another day of insecurities, another day of fear, another day of compare and contrast, another day full of darkness.

Grades were like toxic chemicals creeping into your personality, making the whole you, it makes people judge who you are and what would be your future.

"Do you want to go homeless? This is fucking 80 grade!" Your mother shouts as she slammed your exam paper on the table.

"I want you to get 90 plus, what the hell are you thinking! This is unbelievable, are you getting stupid? Why can't you be your brother and sister?! They always got academic awards!"

" ... fuck"

"Did you curse?!"

"Yes and I fucking did! I know I can't be my siblings because were not the same. I am not them and you can't just put them in to my life and compare them to me every damn time. 80 is my grade and why don't you just accept it?! I can't change it no matter what I do! What do you want me to do, go study and study again?! I've been doing that since the day I could speak-" You yelled as you felt a hard slap in your face but it didn't get to you

"Now you're being rebellious!" She yelled. You look at her and ask, "Who do you think made me?"

"Go. Leave the house and don't ever come back," she said as you went to your room and pack your things.

You then left without saying a word, you went to your friend's house notifying him earlier and he agreed.

You arrived at Shinichiro's house, and was greeted by his siblings.

You went to the spare room and lay there, a moment passed and the door slowly opened. You look back and saw Shinchiro leaning on the door. "Fight again?"

"... yeah" you mumbled

"Come on, dinner is ready," he said as you nod and stood up.

After eating, you spent your time slacking off with Shinichiro. You also spend your time with his siblings who were playing.

It's midnight when you woke up all of a sudden. You then remembered what happened earlier and went to get your bag where you hid something.

You found the blade, you went to the bathroom of the spare room they provide for you and started creating some not that deep cuts. You felt satisfied on how the pain crept on your physical body.

" ... physical body should go on how my mental was undergoing." You mumbled

" ... I don't think so,"

You froze on the voice that responded you but continued what you were doing. "What do you think you're doing?" Shinichiro said as he reached for your hand, taking the blade from your hands.

"I don't think I have to tell you," you answered. He then carried you and wash your hands and arm then went to the bed.

He let you sat there as he silently treat your arms with gentle to not hurt you any further.

"I don't know why girls rejected you but you're a boyfriend material," you praised him as he smiled.

"I'm waiting for someone who's so stupid enough not to notice me," he replied.

"Woah, woah, so harsh"

"Stop cutting, not that I'm ordering you but atleast do it as a favor,"


"You can live here, I don't mind"

"Eh? Here?"

"Why not, I won't let a beautiful girl like you live on the streets."

He punched him softly making him laugh, "But seriously, don't cut your wrist. You can tell me your problems besides you're the girl I'm waiting," he said as you laugh only to be cut off when the words totally processed.


"Hear me out, I know that I'm crybaby and everything but I could be a boyfriend material as well, you already told me that. I may not be as cool as your past partner in relationship but atleast give me a chance."

You smiled brightly on what he declared, you opened your arms and hugged him tightly as he hugged you back. "Yes, Shin."

Tokyo Revengers Oneshots [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें