Entry 065: Scenario

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Part 2:
Opening Scenario:

They're student council prez or maybe members and you were a normal student but you and him/her were dating. Since they're a member of council they had a lot of fangirls/fanboys and they constantly attack you with hurtful words, bashful comments and bullying. All about because of your weight.

Opening Scenario:

They're student council prez or maybe members and you were a normal student but you and him/her were dating. Since they're a member of council they had a lot of fangirls/fanboys and they constantly attack you with hurtful words, bashful comments and bullying. All about because of your weight.


No one really hate your relationship with him. Not only that Ran could kick out other student who hate your relationship with him, you're also beautiful and cute as well as chubby.

So other student respect you from the heart, the others were forced. Well that's the case before Bitch-senpai came in.

She would occasionally give you bashful comments and would do that on private messages. You always block her but she could find a way to message you again and again. You had enough and confront her.

"Oh? That? I did it to atleast stress you out and doubt yourself. But you know, you're so stubborn."

"Can't you just summarize it?"

"Well, what I mean is for you to break up with Ran. I deserve him more than you do."

"Is that all? Stop wasting my girlfriend's time." A voice joined in as Ran showed up pulling you away. "I won't do what you said, unless Ran wants to!"

"What the hell are you saying?! Like hell I'd break up with You!"

Well, without you knowing, Ran checks your phone constantly making him see the messages Bitch-senpai was sending you.


Kokonoi would be so overprotective when he said to everyone that he's your boyfriend. After all, you're the chubby angel for the boys. So a lot of boys were crushing you. Not only you look like an angel, you're also soft hearted and have a good heart.

Well that is the reason almost girls hate you, not only you were able to steal the boy's attention but you were able to date the Student Council President Kokonoi Hajime who has a fan club and a hundreds of fan girls.

One day a certain group of girls then approached you and bullied you, and because he is the council president, getting their names were a piece of cake.

Later that day, those girls got expelled with one of their parents getting fired on their jobs. But since you said it's a little too much, he just let the parents to get their jobs back as long as their daughters don't show themselves to [Name].


Mitsuya would be a softie being a gentleman he could be. You were able to meet his siblings who liked being with you. Mitsuya was happy about this fact that you got along with the little girls. Though, Mana and Luna hate that one girl who's in Mitsuya's class they were able to meet since he tutored his other female classmates.

When Mitsuya would be out if sight the girls will constantly bully you without knowing. Basically, they're backstabbing you. You know you don't have a perfect body. So that time when you hurt your ankle, they laugh because they were imagining Mitsuya carrying you.

That result you for walking normally even it hurts and you didn't tell him anything, so when Mitsuya heard about it. He got mad.

"Nii-chan, nii-chan!" Mana and Luna called their brother taking the attention of the male and the girls he's teaching.


"Besides from managing the school, what do you do as a council prez?"

"Hmm ..."

"I don't usually do this, but I already kicked out a few students who backstab, bullied, and spread humors about someone. I'm willing to do it again if I have to, especially if they're doing it to [Name]," with that remarks the girls made a quick excuse to leave his house.

They don't know that Mitsuya was listening on them, [Name] went to the living room only to see it empty. "Where are they?"

"They needed to do something so they left~" Mana sang as you just believe on what she said as the four of you ate the foods that were supposedly to be served to Mitsuya's guest.

Manjiro (Mikey)

Your relationship with Mikey became a wildfire news at school. Because, how can Mikey date a normal you than the most famous girl who's literally obssessed with him?

Besides, [G/n] looks so perfect for Mikey. Almost all of the student ship the both of them. But the ship didn't sail when they got a news that he's dating the normal and chubby [Last Name] [Name].

"Can you believe that? Seriously? If I was Mikey I would choose the hottie than that pig, I don't get him. He got the face and everything but he choose to date an ugly looking creature," a male said to his friends.

"I got yah bro, I mean, like duh? [G/n] would win at everything. Did that elephant charmed Mikey?!"

"I totally agree." They continued laughing as the male collided someone but was only shoulder to shoulder.

"Hey watch where you're- Prez Mikey!"

"Woah, the whole student council!"

Mikey looked at the male with a deadly glare and lean in to have an eye to eye with him.

"If you have problems with my relationship with [Name], say it on my face. Got that?" He said as the male agreed panicking.

Later that, after the council meeting. [Name] was hugged by Mikey whispering some sweet words but what she liked the most was, 'I love you so damn much'


You've been so insecure about your body and Shinichiro's fangirls were making it worst. They called you fat while Shin call you chubby. You don't know who should you believe. You don't know if his fangirls just wanna drag you down or him calling you chubby just to not worry you about your appearance.

When you approached him about this, he got mad. "Of course it's not because I want you to feel better. It's because it's true besides I also have some flaws and you accepted it so why can't I accept yours. You don't have to feel insecure because you don't have to. We accepted each other's flaws so why not accept the flaws of ourselves? You're perfect in the eyes for the right person."

After his constant talking to the fangirls who made you feel insecure, he made them clean the girl's restroom for two whole months. Since his normal plan was them to be suspended for two months, you stopped him and gave him list of possible punishment and cleaning the restroom is the one he choose.

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