Be with You | Kokonoi Hajime

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Requested by: Starlhynne

"Be With You"
(Mondays feat. Lucy)
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Oh, oh, oh, oh
You gotta listen up, listen up
There's not a thing that I can't get from you
Boy, I don't need that much need that much
How can I tell you what I wanna do?

"He gave you something again didn't he?" Ran said as you nodded. "A freakin' branded cologne and jewelries" you said as he just shook his head.

"Just let him be [Name], I'm sure that that's the way he wanted to show affection" Rindou joined. "But both of you know that I don't chase anything from him" you protested as they nod.

"Yeah, in some case people might think that you only want his possession" Ran said as you heavily sighed


I never needed you to give me things
I never needed gifts or diamond rings
All I ever need I, need I
All I ever need is here with you

Sorry, I can't pick you up. I'll just wait in meeting place of Bonten. My driver will just pick you up.

Uhm... Okay(o^-^)

You just wait the driver he was talking about. You are a member of Bonten. The secretary to be exact, you oftenly decide either have any battle with the other gang or not. In some case you have a plan, but only Ran and Rindou knew about it. And promised not to tell any single soul. Especially your boyfriend.


Baby, there's a place where we can go
Where it's always shining like the snow
Listen to your heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?

You loved everything about Kokonoi, you enjoyed his presence and everything. You loved him because of him not because of what he is, his background and especially not because of money.

At first you considered his affection but then, his affection became money. Money here and money that. He'll buy everything and anything just for you. But his attention was never given to you. Both of you haven't even cuddled, hugged, kissed and said I love You to one another.

Baby, there's a place where we can go
Where it's always shining like the snow
Listen to your heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?

"Where's [Name]? She haven't attended any of the meetings this past few weeks" Hitto said looking around. "Yeah, she's also not leaving any message or call" Mochizuki said making Ran and Rindou saddened and looked away.

"Ran, Rindou, where is she?" Kokonoi ask as both for them looked at each other and sigh. What they said made Kokonoi panicked.

"She left Bonten. As of now, she's waiting for her flight to U.S."


Oh, oh
You can't buy your way into my heart
But you don't see that I just want you
You get me things, but I don't care

Kokonoi went to his bike and drive as fast as he can. He went to the airport and look everywhere. Just to find a you getting out from one of the washroom for the ladies.

"Hajime ...?" you asked as you accidentally dropped your bag. And stepped backwards. You were about to run when Kokonoi grabbed your hand and brought you to a place where that is not that crowded.

Kokonoi cornered you, "Why are you trying to escape?! I gave you everything I could!" he yelled as he was about to hit you when he stop himself and punch the wall instead.

"Just tell me ... Did you even loved me or not?" he ask as he's still there cornering you while punching the wall.

Baby, there's a place where we can go
Where it's always shining like the snow
Listen to your heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?

"I do, Hajime, I did," you answered as tears started bursting out. He noticed it and pulled you closer to hug you. "But everything you gave doesn't replace your presence. I also need your attention you know" you cried as he slowly let his fingers trail your hair.

"I'm not materialistic what I need is you and only you. I am happy but that doesn't mean that it could top the happiness you deliver" you added

"Honestly, I don't know what to do. you're the first one to make me like this. you're different from the other girls I dated before" he said as he snuggled his face to the crook of your neck


Baby, there's a place where we can go
Where it's always shining like the snow
Listen to your heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh, oh

"I didn't agree that you can leave, you never talked to me before leaving and why the hell would I even allow you to do that? It just looked like I don't care but I do"

"Let me be with you from now on"


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