He wished there was no such thing as having to pay for water so he could stay there all day.

“Peter? You’ve been in there for a while.”

He could tell that May was actively trying to talk quieter; the lavender wasn’t as harsh and almost blended in with the grassy smell. Peter took a deep breath, reaching over and turning the water off.

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks.”

He listened as May stepped away from the door, saying something about lunch being ready whenever he wanted some. Honestly, the thought of any food made him feel a little sick at the moment.

He ventured out into his room again, shuffling through his drawers to try and find something that wouldn’t scratch his skin too much but also not be in the way with lab work. As usual, there were no clothes that fit both requirements, so Peter just threw on the most comfortable thing he had.
After trying (and failing) to make his hair semi-controlled looking, he gave up, let it be curly, and trudged out into the kitchen. The tv was on, but not to a station. Peter felt his eyes water a bit at the static on the tv, because that meant that May had remembered their conversation about what helped on bad days. Peter had no doubt that May cared about him like he was her own biological son, but it was still nice to know that he was validated regarding the changes with his…entire biology, really.

“Hey, I made you some broth and crackers. I didn’t know how bad your stomach might be hurting, so I just played it safe. I can make something more heavy if you’d prefer.”

Peter shook his head, walking behind the counter island and rummaging in a drawer for his super-powered tylenol.

“No, that’s fine. It’s perfect, actually. Thank you, May.”

May smiled and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge for him to drink with his tylenol before frowning and putting her wrist on Peter’s forehead.

“You sure you wanna go to the tower today? Not to be rude, but you really look like crap. Wouldn’t you rather just go back to bed for a bit?”

“It’s already eleven, there’s not really a point in going back to bed. And I'll be fine, I think. Hopefully the meds will kick in before I leave. It’ll be fine.”


Peter stared hesitantly at the elevator. He walked right past the lobby, as usual, except this time he could hear people fighting on the penthouse level. He wished he could just go downstairs and ignore everyone else for just a little while.

Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea.

“Hey, Fri? Can you just take me down to the lab today and let Mr. Stark know I’m there? I promise I won’t touch anything, I just don’t want to have the super loud things right now.”

“Of course, Peter. Would you like me to inform Boss that you are experiencing what seems to be a sensory overload?”

“No, no. I’ll be fine,” he said, kind of rushed in an attempt to get the electric-fire taste of Friday's voice out of his mouth. “Can I go to the lab?”

“Of course, Peter.”


Tony’s phone buzzed and he ignored it in favor of finishing the grilled cheese sandwiches for him and Peter to snack on while they worked. It buzzed once more, and he stuck his tongue out at it while getting plates.

“Boss, I would recommend looking at your phone.”

Tony sighed loudly and put the plate of sandwiches down, grabbing his phone and pulling up the notifications. His eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

Peter Parker One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz