Chapter Five

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Alvin tries to convince himself that what he did was more brave than stupid as he smashes the 5th can of beer onto the table. He goes around the house finishing up chores to keep himself occupied. He cleaned the house, did the dishes and changed the bed covers that didn't even need a change. He checks his phone for the 87th time for the evening and plans on cleaning the toilet next. 

Wind was getting strong and the rain stronger. He gets out to the balcony, closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. The fresh wet earthy smelling air reaching the deep pits in his body rejuvenating him. He stretches his long arms and opens his eyes to find Mr. sheldon, the cat sitting on his balcony by the corner which astonishingly was completely dry. 

"hi sir" said alvin, he is wise enough to keep a safe distance from the cat. But in reality there is no such thing as a safe distance in a cats case 

"How are you Sheldon, did the old lady scream at you again? or is that I have grown on you that you come back here again and again and again?"

The cat blinks and slouches further. Alvin counts it as sheldon's willful partaking in the conversation. He draws a tiny chair from the side without startling the cat to make himself more comfortable 

"what are your thoughts on this mortal world sheldon?"

He waits but the cat doesn't do anything except stare at him

"Its ok if you don't feel like sharing you deep inner thoughts to me. I understand.  Hear me out, you and I barely exist at all. The only purpose we have is make to more of us before we die some agonizing death. It is all pointless but then why am I freaking out over a text I send to a dude who charmed me."

Sheldon purrss rolling his eyes

"If you cant say something wise, don't make fun of my intellectual thought process atleast."

Alvin gets up annoyed at the cats disrespectful behavior and tries to get in the house but slips on the beer can lying in front of the balcony. his back hits badly on the floor. 

"ow, I m sure you jinxed it"

The cat leaps from his place and lands on Alvin's face scratching his forehead. And walks into his room like its his inherited home.

"ow oww oucchh" 

"Fuck you sheldon, stupid cat I am gonna kill you"

The cat goes to the front door, licks his balls and starts meowing

"You are unbelievable" says Alvin picking up the beer can on  which he slipped and holds it over his mouth upside down to drain the two drops of beer left in the can.

After leaving the cat outside his room, he had this feeling he has something left undone. But he was too drunk to care. He came back and collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

The phone vibrates,

Rishikesh : hey 
                    : Is this who I think it is?

Alvin woke up at 1:06 a.m. with a terrible head ache. He was not drunk anymore. Everything felt like a pathetic mess. He reached for the phone on the side table, it was then he realized what actually it was all about. 

He quickly looked for his chat. He shot up in his bed. Rishikesh had replied and he missed it. He felt all the more pathetic. A part of him was relieved since he didn't drunk text him.

Alvin : who do you think it is ?

He probably must have slept by now and I should too if I need this head ache to away by tomorrow.

Much love, Nae xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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