Chapter Four

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It was getting dark, David was changing his sweaty football clothes under a tree by the corner of the field. Rishikesh was catching his breath lying on the cold grass. Wind blew cooling his warm sweaty face. He thought of the afternoon he just spent with Alvin in the Art museum and a smile spread over his face.  

 The stars grew brighter and brighter as his eyes traced 'draco' the constellation which resembled the dragon. Draco was the first constellation his dad taught him to spot.

"Abbu I want a dragon not a dog" says rishikesh scrunching his nose on his chubby tiny face

"So tell me how big do you think a dragon is" questions abbu in matter of fact tone adjusting rishikesh in his lap.

"It is this big" shouts rishiskesh stretching his tiny arms as much as he could

"But rishikesh is this small, how is he going to look after a dragon that big" abbu says taking his tiny hands into his 

"but abbu i want  a dragon" he said crossing his tiny arms. Abbu knew this tone. This tone was the start to his unending screaming.

"Rishi but don't you know we already have a dragon" abbu says excited 

Rishikesh's tiny mouth opens, he is confused and speechless

"His name is draco, he lives up there in the sky with the stars." Abbu points a finger  to the sky

Rishikesh looks in the direction of Abbu's finger, his head pressed against Abbu's chest.

"look rishi, follow my fingers and you will see." Abbu says with a smile 

"Ow" Rishikesh gets up annoyed as David threw his shoes onto his belly 

"lets go?" say David extending a hand 

"why the hurry"

David shrugs "get up I am hungry"

"do you have a date again?" Rishi says as they start walking 

"oh shit....what time is it?" 

Its starts drizzling rishi searches his pockets for his phone. Right then it vibrates in the clothes he had hung on his shoulder. 

"must be shanaya" rishi says stopping for a while to check his phone 

Unknown number: Hey  

"Its 7:15" Rishikesh says, his hands were wet so he couldn't unlock his phone so he kept the phone back in his pocket. 

David lets out a sigh 

"what is it?"

"Have a meeting with Sid, he needs money" David says looking down at his feet 

"Are you selling again?" Rishikesh takes a deep breath

"No no I had dues to settle, its all fine." says David looking ahead

"This is what you say every time David. Don't you get it, he is devising new ways to get you back as his pawn. Don't get involved, I m begging you, you wont be lucky every time. Whatever he tells you don't fall for it, he is dangerous. He kills people. "  says Rishikesh his voice shaking in rage 

He found himself standing in front of David holding him by his arms, his fingernails digging deep into his arms. 

David lacks anything to say back. He startles Rishikesh by hugging him all at once. Rishikesh pats him on the back and wraps his arm around him. 

"I am coming with you." says Rishikesh 

"Rishi trust me"

"I trust you, its them I cant trust"

"I will get rid of him for good today, I will ring you up if anything goes wrong" says David 

Rishikesh nods. 

David ran through the rain to make it on time, but rishi chose to wait till the rain stops. He got inside the little abandoned shed which once used to be a tea shop. He was starting to feel cold.  

He takes out his phone from his wet clothes praying it hasn't gotten wet. He takes it out and 

Shanaya : where r u?

2 missed calls from shanaya

unknown number : hey 
                                      : stalker
[flashes on the lock screen]

He stood there frozen. It is? It could be? NO? what ? no one would call me that, it is definitely him? But how? why would he text? Could it be that he...? it was annoying that his phone wouldn't open and his hands started shaking . He was taking turns rubbing his hands on the phone and then his hand on the already wet clothes. All at the same time he couldn't stop smiling either. 

Much love, Nae xx

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