Chapter one

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Ugh! i hate getting up this early' complains Alvin rubbing his eyes, half open, his hand reaches the ringing alarm on the night table beside him. Its dark and calm outside. He pulls the blanket over his head, promising himself, "10 more minutes and I ll be up."

Although, he wakes up, considering it better than laying awake on the bed scrolling on his phone. He slips his feet into his chappal and moves swiftly towards the kitchen to make a good cup of coffee.

Staying alone isn't that easy as he always thought it to be, it's his First day and he misses everyone terribly; which he didn't think he would. The old Alvin would have stayed in bed much longer, waiting for his mum to wake him up with her loud 'Aaaaalvvinn!! You don't want me coming up to that room of yours'.

Coffee is good, not as good as Ammi s but nevermind. He opens the balcony, cold air gushes into his face, he wraps one arm around himself and the other tightens around the coffee cup.

'Feels good' he says half smiling to himself.

Alvin's POV

I wasn't even nervous until today, I feel jittery, I may even throw up, woah this is new. I've not had this anxiety about college. She should have called by now, or should I call her. 1...2...3...breathe.....Huh.....


She sounds upset, guess it's really hard on her too.

'Hello? Ammi?'

'I miss you kid.'

Her voice cracks, she swallows hard. She is trying hard to hold back tears.

'Ammi come on, I don't have time for this sentimental drama of yours, I ll be back before you know it, cheer up now.' I say in an attempt to make her feel better.

I could picture her smiling at this, still whimpering.

'Tell me how is the place???Do you like it there????How was the stay???? Did you sleep well??? Did you eat??....'

'Woah...Mom, slow down. I am alright. You don't have to worry, believe me everything is perfect.'

'My kid has grown up.' Says mom sobbing

'Ok bye, gotta go, love you loads'

'All the best love'

St Xavier's is not very far from where I stay, still not too close to walk either, a 10 minutes auto ride will do. After 3 whole minutes of waiting and pacing in front of my flat , I finally got an auto. I felt instantly better after talking to Ammi, still not sure if I could guarantee not throwing up in the way tho.

I pay for the ride, thank the driver and look towards the gate; I remember last time when I came here for admissions how Ammi was beside me. I enter through the gate, there are no familiar faces. Compared to the crowd I am seeing, its way quieter. I wonder if everyone is just as nervous as I am. I wonder which of these people from the crowd of strange faces would become familiar faces I would see everyday, cut short would I be friends with. 

I join the group of CSE crowd . I shove through the crowd and shit I bump into a girl, her bag is knocked down. She murmurs something being annoyed and bends down to pick up her things, I quickly squat down to help.

'I am so sorry' I say.

'It's alri.....'She suddenly looks up in surprise, made me jump a little.


'Nandu?' we both start to get up and I hug her. She further tightens her grip on me.

'It's so good to see you again dumbass, I thought we'll never meet again.'

She is warm and her hair smells of lemongrass. We had met each other 4 years ago at an inter school event, we had instantly clicked and goofed around all day . I Still remember how we'd mixed chalk to a guy's water bottle and made him drink it, such goofballs.

I grin, delighted at the memory.

'I really really want to sit and have a long chat with you Alvin but I have to get to my class real quick, I am gonna get into some real trouble if I don't'

'Yeah.. yeah sure'

'Bye see you laterr'

'Bye' I wave at her although she had disappeared through the crowd.

I walk into the the narrow corridor to see which block CSE is gonna be, I scan through the pages on the bulletin board and find my name, Alvin J Alex Block 13 Room No. 6. I quickly jot it down in the notes app as I am aware my memory is shit.

After asking a few people and getting lost quite a few times I reach the stairs to my room. I took off my shirt that I was wearing over the beige T shirt, and toss it on my arm. I climb the rest of the stairs, its the start of winter but I am all sweaty. UGH! I stink.

'excuse me, do you know where the washroom is?'

'Good morning to you too, Um its at the end of the floor, go straight up to the end and turn left.'

'Thanks' I say to the unapologetic gay guy with an unrivalled fashion sense wearing bold colours and an extravagant personality who just sassed me?

I drop all my stuff on the side shelf, and frantically go through my stuff. I couldn't find my Deodorant. I smell my T shirt, it makes me wanna throw up.

I take off the T shirt and and bolt the the washroom's main door. I wash myself, water is freezing cold, this was truly a bad idea.

'Dammit what kind of washroom doesn't have tissues??!!!'

I am freezing, my body shivers, jaws are shaking making my teeth bump against each other.

I kick the wall irritated

'Ouuuu.....chhhh aaah shitt'

I hear a laughter, I am damn sure I just locked the door . My heart skips a beat I am half naked standing one legged, bend over squeezing the leg which hit the wall and I turn to look back in horror..

I know its terrible but I'm bored and I wanted something to distract myself.

Much love, Nae xx.

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