Chapter Three

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Alvin's POV,

I pull my head out of the T shirt, my eyes are searching for the guy. I realize he has left. I dont even know his name. And I was too proud to ask.

Dont even think about it Alvin, I mentally slap myself. First, this is your fucking first day, get a hold on yourself. Second, how much of a fool did you just make of yourself and you still expect him to like you. Third, HE IS WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE. Above all WHAT IF HE IS NOT GAY? Ughh I kick the wall in frustration, which made me feel all the more stupid.

The rest of the day in college was dreadful. All we did today was say our names and our hometown 6 times over to 6 different people in front of the same class.

But all I could think about in class was 'The naked encounter', Naahh... 'The semi naked encounter' and His coffee eyes sinking deep into mine, blinding me as I feel chills run down my spine.

Jesus! My stomach lurches at the thought of it, I laugh.

I grab some sandwiches on the way home and crash on the bed as soon as I reach. I wake up at 8, eat the sandwiches and go back to bed.


In the morning, I wake up to sound of doorbells , there stands a panicked old woman who I recall is the house owner.

'Sheldon, sheldoooOooN' She shouts.

'Huh?' I say confused.

She half acknowledging my presence gives me a tensed smile and forcefully gets past me towards the balcony.

What the.....? She cant get into my room just coz she owns the apartment. I pay for my room.

Around 10 minutes later, she comes back with her cat which had climbed up to my balcony and was refusing to get down, I assume its name is sheldon?

'We had a fight and Sheldon climbs buildings as a coping mechanism' she says in a concerned voice while leaving.

I smile giving her an understanding nod.

I wait for a while and burst out of laughter. What a freak woman.

Meanwhile I plan to make my self some breakfast. I have no college today, I plan for a good relax.

I turn on the water, the water is hot and I love hot water showers, I began to wet my hair and slather shampoo into it. The guy from the washroom comes to my mind, his arms in a crisp white shirt, sleeves rolled up, standing with crossed arms, looking at me with a relaxed face. Shirt tightening at his chest as he draws in air. But in all seriousness I hope his shirt rips apart. He smiles at me from afar, I smile like an idiot in the shower. I shake myself awake from the fantasy and get out of the shower.

I dress in 'white crisp shirt' paired with black pants and black shoes. Too formal? who cares. I feel pretty today, I decide on some fancy accessories, I add pearl necklace and some rings to my outfit.

I head out not sure on the destination. Let my instincts be my guide. Its more fun when things happen when you re least expecting them to. Call it being spontaneous and free or call me a teenager in in his last years trying to have the time of his life.

I walk inside the passageway of an old but beautiful building, with my hands inside the rear pockets of my long coat. I ve never felt more alive than creating art or being surrounded by it.

"VAN GOGH'S REPLICAS BY INDIE ARTISTS' interesting..." a voice beside me reads out.

I look over my shoulder at the voice who read the label hung on the glass door of a room to a separate collection.


My stomach does a somersault, I grip my hands and squeeze my thighs with hands in my pocket. My left arm feels loosened and my heart flutters and sinks into a deep hole . I try my best to keep a straight face.

Its written all over his face that he read it out loud on purpose, although I appreciate his efforts in trying to act surprised.

'Hey' He says in a raised voice, 'you again'


'Now what? you are stalking me?' I ask

'Oh GOD, oh god No' he says with a chuckle.

No one spoke, we just stood there peeking into the room from outside in awkward silence.

'Do you want to go inside? he asks breaking the silence

I nod , for a moment our eyes lock again but he quickly looks away and pulls open the door gesturing me to enter.

'Thank you, stalker' I slid into the room giving him a smug smile.

'Seriously, you are gonna call me that?' He looks to my face from the floor as he enters through the door, giving me a fake disgusted face.

'What choice do I have, you didnt tell me your name either'

'You can always ask...'

'What is your name?' I ask before he finishes his sentence.

'Rishikesh Rao'

'Alvin J Alex' I say back

'Didn't expect you here' I say as we stand next to each other looking at 'The Starry night' by Vincent Van Gogh duplicated by a local artist.

'Why is that?'

'You don't look like the type to enjoy art' I say still looking at the painting.

'What type do I look like then?'

'Idk, you look like the popular dude at college, might as well be in the football team. You look like a guy at the party, who'd talk to every other person in the room and actually be having fun.'

'Maybe' he pauses for a moment and acts like he is thinking hard, like a 2 year old.

We both laugh

'Not sure if I really understand or know a lot about art, but I certainly enjoy it. I get lost looking at it sometimes, so much that I loose track of time.' He says.


Who knows how long I ve loved you

You know I love you still

Will I wait a lonely lifetime

If you want me to I will..........

'Wow! What's this song? ' I ask him as, looking at him with the corner of my half closed eye.

He turns to look at me and sings along swaying his head with the song, his face sparkles from the light from the fairy lights hung all across the emerald green painted room. Our eyes lock but this time he doesn't look away, he doesn't hesitate, he stares deep into my eyes. I don't want this to ever end. I could spend an eternity with him, in this moment. I don't care what happens next, or what people would say. No matter how many hurdles come my way, I will fight the whole world For him, For us.

My eyes get blurry with tears. He stops singing, all of a sudden his smile disappears and turns tense.

'I got something in my eyes' I smile

Hearing this he seems to relax still suspicious.

"It's 'I will' by the beatles, the first song I learnt to play on my ukulele as a kid." He says

I turn my back to him and wipe my tears on the sleeve of my coat.

Much love, Nae xx

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