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Little surprise at the end ♡︎


Not only did Hyunjin get drunk when all his friends were out of town on an important case, but he also got drunk in a club in a whole different city. It was an hour's drive until they reached his luxurious neighborhood. The driver stopped in front of the gate since it was locked.

Seungmin looked at the lawyer, who was half asleep, and knew he wouldn't be able to get him up the driveway. "I'll go put in the code," He announced, walking out of the car and to the security lock. It was a wild guess, but deep down in his heart, Seungmin just knew what the code was.


"What's a number I would never forget? Not even drunk or dying? Easy, 0922, the day the world blessed me with you, Minnie."

And it was correct. Seungmin was still shaken up from the conversation, so he still felt numb to his heart lightly beating at the memory.

Getting Hyunjin out of the car was something. His long limbs and slurring mumbles didn't help. Finally, when Seungmin got him out, the older instantly fell to the ground. The brunette could only sigh, exhausted, and simply left the older there until he made sure the driver left and that the gate closed.

It was another struggle to get both of them inside and at that point, Seungmin simply left the older on the floor as he dreaded having to take him upstairs. At least Hyunjin was in his house - granted on the floor - and not in a club an hour away.

Seungmin was about to go get some water for the both of them, when he heard someone clear their throat from upstairs.

"Seungmin?" Jeongin asked confused, but also with a hint of happiness as he ran down the stairs to embrace the brunette. Seungmin immediately relaxed, hugging the younger in his arms. Jeongin then noticed his older brother on the floor and looked at Seungmin with wide eyes, looking for an explanation.

"It's late, you need to be sleeping. Let's get him to bed and I'll explain it to you in the morning, okay?" Seungmin softly explained, saddened by the way the younger's facial expression showed complete devastation. Jeongin sadly nodded as they both struggled to get him upstairs.

Jeongin noticed how his brother was silently crying and reeked of alcohol. He wasn't dumb; he could tell how much the older held in. They were both heartbroken, both lost, and in pain. They were all they had in this world.

Letting out a huff, Seungmin was about to go get a drink when Hyunjin wrapped his arms around him and buried his head into the brunette's rib, sobbing. Before Seungmin could push him and scold the lawyer, he looked up to see Jeongin tearing up. Sighing, he signalled to the youngest and hugged him, trying his best to calm the situation down.

"Seungmin, we need you."

A quarter past three in the morning wass when Seungmin finally let his tears fall. Jeongin sadly saying those words while Hyunjin carefully tightening his grip around the brunette's waist were what made him finally break down. All three of them knew. All three of them were hurting.

Seungmin finally realized that he wasn't the only one that got hurt by the divorce, with the decisions he made. When he was hurting, he simply thought about himself and what people would say when they found out about the divorce. He constantly felt alone and anxious about everything. Now he realized that Hyunjin also was hurting. Of course he was. Jeongin was hurting more than anyone in his eyes. Although Seungmin did try and fight for Jeongin's shared custody, he learned how horrible the law worked and took his anger out the wrong way.

Sometimes being the bigger person is difficult, but at that moment, to Seungmin, it was the only thing to do. He comforted the brothers as if nothing happened. Hyunjin was in his bed, peacefully sleeping with a cup of water and painkillers ready for him. Jeongin slept soundly as he rested his head on Seungmin's shoulder, feeling safe.

- ♡︎ -
The next morning

When Hyunjin woke up, he groaned in pain, clutching his head until he noticed the painkillers on the nightstand and instantly took them.

Once he's finally able to look around, he noticed that he was in his pajamas and the bedroom was spotless. There were no shoes and ties all over the floor and not a single ounce of dust. When he checked the bathroom, it was almost shining from how clean it was. He splashed cold water on his face to try and wake up. The last thing he remembered was being at Johnny's club and then a weird dream of him crying on Seungmin.

Who cleaned? He was still confused as he walked into the hallway. The blinds were open and there were even fresh flowers on the accent tables. It almost felt like before.

His nose was suddenly filled with the warm scent of freshly baked pie, followed by Jeongin's soft carefree laughter. Hyunjin stood still, feeling a strange feeling of deja vu, and he had to pinch his arm, wondering if he was dreaming.

He was hesitant to walk downstairs, still amazed at the spotless house, the abundant amount of daylight coming in, and the sound of Day6 playing quietly.


Jeongin ran up to his brother, hugging him, as the events from last night rushed back. Startled, the older simply hugged back softly, when he looked up to see Seungmin with his back turned to him, cooking something.

"Did something happen?" Hyunjin worriedly asked, looking at Jeongin for any injuries.

"Maybe you shouldn't be drinking when all your "friends" are out of town." Seungmin finally said, his voice stern as he placed the plate with warm pancakes and fresh fruit down.

Hyunjin looked down at Jeongin, who was in his embrace, asking for confirmation and when his little brother nodded sadly, the older was filled with regret. "I'm sorry for any trouble I caused you, Minnie. Thank you for taking care of Jeongin. I'll pay you back for everything-"

"Don't. Just eat your breakfast. Jeongin and I are going to his appointment in an hour.." Seungmin spoke, trailing off.

"I can take him. I don't want to trouble you anymore."

"No, I'll take him. Maybe you should get yourself together." Seungmin said, placing down the paperwork that was delivered this morning addressed to the young lawyer.

If all three of them had anything - anything - to commonly blame, it was those papers. They were the reason they were all hurting.

"Every now and then I fall apart. That's when I need you now more than ever. If I can hold you tonight, I'll hold onto you forever. I don't know what to do, I'm always in the dark. I really need you tonight."


Ok, sooooo this is an exciting weekend.
Starting Friday (tonight) here's chapter 10, from here on now the story is really going to take off.
Saturday (tomorrow) I plan to finally launch my one shot book!
And lastly, a whole knew story:
My spinoff on
The Parent Trap:
I'm literally soooo excited ahh

 Saturday (tomorrow) I plan to finally launch my one shot book! And lastly, a whole knew story: My spinoff on The Parent Trap: I'm literally soooo excited ahh

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i dont believe in love ♥︎ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now