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It's been a week later.. and I've really put some thought into going and seeing my mother, but I can't do it alone I'm afraid.. I don't know why but I am.

I get up and walk to the kitchen and see Vinnie and the kids talking

They all stopped and stared at me
"Mama?" I hear aces voice say faintly
I try to keep walking but talk to the ground and black out

Vinnies pov:

I woke up and decided to make the kids breakfast and just talk with them as we all talked I saw Katherine walk into the room, she didn't look so good "mama" Ace says

she falls to the floor and I run over to her
"What's wrong with her?" You can hear Malias voice start to crack and her eyes start watering "when was the last time she ate?" Ace questions as he looks at me

"She ate yesterday I watched her eat"

"I'm taking her to the hospital"
I turn to Malia she looks like she want to cry
"She'll be okay, shes Katherine"

I walked out the door and put her in the car
Ace sits n the back with her and I drive

(15 minutes later)

We got to the hospital

"Help, I need help" I say as I held Katherine in my arms.

Nurses came rushing with a gurney and pushed her away..

I watched as Katherine was pulled away from me

I turn to Ace and he's walking back and forth with his hands on his head
"Why her, why her"

He repeats to himself
"Ace.. ACE look at me, she's gonna be okay alright?"
"What if she's not!!"
"She is.. she has to be"

I pulled ace into my arms, he tried to push away but he needed it eventually he gave up and just stood there as I hugged him.

About 30 minutes later the doctor walks out
"For Katherine?"
"Yea here"
"So it looks like she has brain injury"
"From what? How is that possible, how long has she had it?"
"She's had it for awhile now.. it seems like for a couple months, and we haven't found the main cause for it yet"
"Wdym you haven't found the cause for it??"
"It's more complicated than that.. she won't make it through the night"
"No.. no that's not right"
"Dad.. no I- I can't loose her dad"
He paces back n forth trying not to cry

I look up and see Malia walk in

"What's wrong? Where's mom? Is she ok?"

Ace looks at her
"Ace.. please- don't"

He holds Malia into her arms
"What happen?"
"She has brain damage, they said she won't make it through the night"

She lets go of Ace..
"I know sweetheart"

I pull her into my arms and comfort her as best as I could..

We was finally able to go into her room and see her

I walk in only to see Katherines body laying there.. basically lifelessly, I walk up to her body

"My baby.. Katerina"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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