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I pull up to the house and just regret coming back.. but I need to check on my kids and make sure their ok

I wait for the guard to open the gate and I pull in, I shut the car off and walk to the front door

I open the door and it was dark and quiet.. I looked around and didn't see no one, I shut the door quietly and walked to the kitchen

I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle

I heard foot steps come down the stairs I look to see who it was

A- mama, when did u get home
K- right now..
A- are you okay
K- yes I'm okay

He comes up to me and hugs me

K- I love you ok
A- I know mom I love you to, but I gotta go to the ware house so I'll be back in a couple hours ok
K- be careful Ace
K- I will mom

He walks out the door and the house went quiet again

I decided to go talk to Malia

I went to her room and knocked softly but there was no answer, I opened her door and she was asleep while Spencer was awake playing with her hair

K- is she ok Spencer
S- just worried about you, but yea she's ok
K- thank u for being there for her.. she really loves you
S- I love her to a lot.. u want me to wake her
K- no, when she wakes up tell her to come to my room
S- ok

I close her door and walk into my room

I took a look around and just hated what I saw..

I didn't want to be here, but my kids were so I stayed

I laid down and decided to try and sleep

*an hour later*

I heard the front door open and it sounded like it was raining

So I decided to get up and go outside

When I walked down the stairs I saw Vinnie, Cold, and some other dude

C- hi Katherine
K- hi

I opened the sliding door and walked outside a few minutes later I heard someone else come outside

I looked to see who it was and it was Cold

C- Katherine
K- Cold

He sits down next to me

K- if ur gonna give me a lecture I don't wanna hear it
C- no I'm not.. but I am
K- cold-
C- just listen

C- what Vinnie did was wrong
K- did u know
C- what
K- did u know he was sleeping with other girls
C- when I heard it going on I thought it was you tbh.. Until the last time, the girl walked out and I knew then but to be fair i would've gotten shot if I told u.. and ik it sounds rude but I didn't want to die

K- it's okay.. I understand
C- but it was still selfish and messed up and I'm sorry Katherine
K- it's okay cold

C- but as I was saying.. he still loves u, very much he would still die for u Katherine he only did it bc-
K- bc "I wasn't over it"
C- yea..
K- like I don't get him I'm sorry I was king napped twice.. n then shot n was in a coma for a whole year im sorry I couldn't get over that quick enough for him to fuck me, if that's what it takes I can't be with him.. I can't be with someone who can't wait for me

C- u deserve better Katherine..
K- I can't be here Cold, I can't stand the look of this place I'm only here for my kids

C- where are you gonna go
K- anywhere but here
C- Katherine..
K- no..

I got up and walked back in

M- mama
K- hey baby

She came n hugged me

K- oh I've missed u
M- I missed u to but I need u to explain.. the guy
K- shh
M- mama!
K- alr let's go to ur room

We went to Malias room

M- so mama how'd u met him
K- at the bar
S- ouh can I join
K- yes u can Spencer haha

*about an hour later of talking and laughing*

M- mom he sounds sweet
K- he is

M- is that him?
K- uhh

* grab my phone to see who it was*

K- yes it is
M- ouh what did he say
K-he asked how's it going

* I texted him back*

*ring ring*
K- now he's calling
M- answer it
K- Malia
K- mom

I answer the phone

G- hi gorgeous
K- hi-
M- hi
G- oh who's that
K- my daughter Malia

*I put him on speaker*

G- hi Malia
M- Hi Gio
G- oh you know my name
M- yes my mom tells me everything, she's my best friend
G- oh dam- do yk abt
M- u guys getting it?, yes
G- damn alright
K- ok Malia ima go out
M- fine mom, bye Gio

I walk out of her room and walk into my room

K- hi handsome
G- hi beautiful, so how's it going
K- uh well yk it's going.. idk how much longer but it is
G-do you want me to come pick u up, we can go out to eat
K- hmm I'll have to talk to my daughter first, but it's not a no
G- alright gorgeous I'll let you go then
K- bye handsome

*End of Conversation*

I text him a few times before I turned off my phone to let it charge

I sat on the bed for awhile before I heard the door open

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