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Ace gets up and goes upstairs

I catch Spencer before he walked back up

K- hey Spencer can u come here rq
S- sure what's up
K- I need to know if your ok with goin and seeing Vinnie
S- yea I'm fine with it
K- are you sure?
S- yea I have no grudges against him I see his pov and I know in his mind being drunk and in pain makes you do shi u don't want to.. and so I can forgive him for that I just don't know about him hurting Malia
K- I know and I'm sorry we're not the perfect family
S- no u guys are amazing I'm glad I met Malia cuz then I wouldn't have met an amazing mom
K- abt that.. u never talked abt yours.. how was she
S- they were abusive.. n I mean there was sum good memories but I don't remember a lot bc i don't even think there was any..
K- oh Spencer I'm so sorry
S- naw it's good, I got you Malia n Ace I'm good
K- ok can you go get malia for me please
S- yea of course

I sat on the couch n waited for malia I see walk down

M- hey mama what's up
K- I just wanted to know if your ok with seeing your father
M- yea I am.. I want to, I wanna stop hating him and plus Octavia can't grow up without him so I'm willing to fix it for her
K- ok you can go now
M- I love you
K- I love you to

(Next day)

I fell asleep on the couch and woke up in a bed

I look around to see Ace on the floor

K- aĭ zashto
      (Ay why)

A- ne ti izglezhdashe udobno
   ( u didn't seem comfortable)
K- why sleep on the floor?
A- it was cold anyways I didn't mind it mama
K- omg Ace

I got up and hopped in the shower, I got out did my makeup put an outfit on and walked downstairs to see Spencer making a bottle

K- got stuck doing the bottles?
S- yesss
K-haha, I'll do it go take a shower u stink
S- alr that's rude
K- I'm being honest
S- maybe to honest

He runs to the shower, I finish making the bottle and take it to Malia

I walk over to the baby witch was laying on the bed all changed and showered

K- u smell beautiful baby
I pick her up and feed her
M- mama
K- go take a shower
M- mama I can
K- I know u can but let me help, go take a shower
M- ok thank you

She gets in the shower and I sit there feeding the baby
K- your js adorable aren't u

(Hour later)

The baby was fed and burped everyone was ready

K- you guys ready?
M- yea
A- yup
S- let's go

We got into the car and drove to the house

We get to the gate, it opens and we pull in

I shut off the car and turn around
K-  u guys ready?
M- yes I am
A- yea I am

Spencer grabs the baby, I open the door and Vinnie comes downstairs

V- hey
K- hey

V- kids
M- father

V- I wanted to talk to all of you guys and I-

He stops talking when Malia hugs him he hugs her back

V- I've missed you

She lets go
M- I wanna work this out for the sake of Octavia and me

V- can I see her?
She takes her out of the car seat and hands her to him

V- omg she's so little, she's gonna be beautiful just as much as you and your mother are
S- am I not beautiful?
V- Spencer my man
V- your beautiful to
S- oh alright I must be for Malia to be with me
M- hey
S- haha

V- ace come here I need to talk to you

Him and Ace walk away and they talk.. I'm hoping

I walk upstairs to "our room" and look around, nothing has changed everything was the same as I last saw it I walk over to the shelf and see pictures of us

I pull them down and look at them

V- nothing has changed.. as you can see
K- why
V- it hurt to much to
He walks towards me and stands behind me

V- I kept them all, there was no way I could get rid of them
K- I love this photo
V- it was when u had barely turned 4 months
K-u remember that?
V- ofc why wouldn't I

I turn around so I'm facing him
V- I talked to Ace, and we talked and he's willing to start over
K- he just wants u to be his father.. not a mafia leader or a king his father Vinnie
V- I know I know and I'm gonna do that, I'm putting cold in charge
K- wait u serious Vinnie..
V- I have a family, I need to put it behind me at least that part of me as of right now
K- baby steps
V- yup

He smiles and I see that sparkle in his eyes that I missed

K- there it is
V- what
K- that sparkle u get in ur eyes when ur happy
V- I am, I'm fixing things with the loml and my family

M- mama
K- what
M- can I come in?
K- yes

Malia walks in the baby

M- she keeps crying I've done everything fed her, burped her, changed her diaper, walk her idk what to do
V- can I hold her?

Malus hands the baby to Vinnie

V- hey little one

And by the second she stops crying
M- alright now that's just rude
V- haha

I watch as Vinnie holds the baby, I get flashbacks from when he first held the twins.. u can see the angry and the stress leave his body

M- it's like I've never seen this side of him
K- he did a lot when u guys we're kids, but u guys started to grow up and I watched the pain in his eyes as u guys did and he knew i knew so he distracted him self in gang n mafia shit

M- oh.. so Ik I'm not supposed to ease drop but he's leaving
V- yes I am

He looks at her
V- I'm singing it over to Cold I wanna leave this part of me in the past

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