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* They stayed up and smoked and talked all night*

K- What time is it
V- lemme check, uhh it's 8
K- in the morning?
V- yea
K- I'm gonna go take a shower
V- I'm coming

Back to Katherine pov:

I turn on the hot water in the bathtub I feeling like taking a mf bubble bath todayy

V- are u seriously taking a bubble bath
K- uh yes what too old for it?
V- hell no I'm gettin in

He was already stripped naked before I could even take off my top

V- fuck that's hot
K- no it's nott sit down
V- no that's gonna burn my balls
K- good you need to clean them
V- now you just gettin bold

He slaps my ass*

K- mm u lucky I cant kick you
V- get in I made it a little colder

I Step in

K- uh uh

I turn towards him to change the water

V- if u wanna get eaten out all u gotta do is ask baby

You look down at him and smile

He pulls your legs closer to him and starts touching you

K- uh uh

You sit down on his lap in the water

V- skin to skin is my favorite thing
K- I know it is

You kiss him on the lips a couple times before turning around and sitting in his lap with your back against his stomach

*knock knock*
V-I swear we can never be alone
K- who is it!
M- it's just me mama
K- come in
M- oh uh, ok anyways is it fine if me and Spencer go on a walk
V- yes but don't go to far stay close enough where I can call u back
M- dad I'm not a kid
V- but your not an adult yet
M- fine

K- I need to shave my legs so scoot
V- scoot? Mama I can't
K- why u so god damn big😭
V- Well sorry I am!
V- Let me do it
K- hell no
V- what why not
K- bc I don't wanna get cut
V- I won't mama

*an hour later of him trying to shave your legs bc he wouldn't stop you guys we're finally done*

V- no stay
K- what am I a dog?
V- I'll get you a towel
K- okay

He comes back with two towels from the room

He's so fine standing there naked though
V- just ask mama
K- stopp I was just admiring what's mine

He smirks at you abs holds up your towel for you
K- thank you babe

You do you primer and moisturiser on your face and decided to do your make up finally today

* just fyi, It's been a couple weeks since they've been there*

V- Oou mamas doing her makeup
K- yup and I have a outfit in mind
V- well I wanna match with you so I'll wait to get dressed
K- you gonna be waiting for awhile
V- that's fine imma go lay down and put tv on

* 2 hours later*
To be fair you had to do you hair and couldn't figure out what to do with it so you just kept it down

You walk back into the room and see Vinnie sleeping with his towel on

You walk up to him and place your hand on his dick moving your hand around
K- baby wake up
V- mm I'm up, I'm up babe, oh shit mamas your beautiful
K- awh thank you baby

You put on your outfit
V- someone stares at you im killing them
K- babe!
V- well

Her outfit is on top^

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