Pt. 41

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* Months later*

Katherines pov:

I don't remember much tbh.. I've been stuck in this basement or something idk but it's always cold, and smells like somebody died in here, it's always dark In here and every time I try to escape someone comes down here and hits me.. I can feel my bones bruised I can feel my face bruised I can feel my whole body in pain

I hear someone walking closer, they open the door And bright light shines in making me put my head down bc of how bright it was

??- get up
K- why
??- just get the fuck up
K- why are you doing this
??- ur family has suffered enough

I look around at the walls and the place I'm in and there plain white nothing put up and all u can smell if the smell of death

He forces me into a car and drops me off in front of a house

I look up to see that it was my house

I tried to get up but my body was in to much pain

So I yelled for Isaiah!! (He's the security/ body guard)

I- huh?

I hear footsteps come closer


He opens the gate and picks me up making sure to shut the gate behind him

He yells for Ace and Vinnie

Vinnie opens the door..

Now this is Vinnies pov:

I was sitting down in the living room room when I heard Isaiah yelling

I run to the door and I see Katherine in his arms with her eyes barely opened

He came inside and set her down on the couch

V- baby.. your body
K- it hurts
Ace runs up stairs to the bathroom and grabbed some pain killers and water

V- baby take these it'll help with the pain
M- mama!

Malia comes running down with tears in her eyes
M- mama- your- omg
K-I'm fine baby

Katherines pov:

All I know is that I was on the couch and all I could hear was Vinnies voice speaking to me but the pain hurt to bad that I couldn't talk much

Aces pov:

I can't- what, why how- she- it looks like they starved her for months.. and abused her so badly it hurts me to see her this way

I walked up stairs to where Spencer was and asked if he would make food with me

A- Yo uh you wanna help me make food
S- uh sure

We walked down stairs and I see Spencer's face drop

S- Katherine..
K- hey Spencer
S- im so sorry
K- hey you guys are all alive im thank ful for that

He slowly walks away into the kitchen abs started making food with me

I didn't know what my mother would want so we kind of just made everything

After an hour or two the food was done and she sat up

Katherine pov:

M- mama u need to lay down
K- I'm fine ok
M- they made u food
K- what really?

I tried getting up and that didn't go to well
V- uh uh, sit down and they will bring it to you
K- baby :(
V- hi mamas

Vinnie sits next to me and grabs my hands
V- I did it again my love, I failed you
K- no baby you didn't, that was me
V- no uh uh your the one hurt, in pain and I'm so sorrry
K- hey I'm fine ok look at me

I place my hands on his face and made him look at me
But he couldn't.. I knew him seeing me like this killed him but I needed to see his face I needed to know he was still in there

K- baby look at me
V- babe-
K- I'm right here ok? I'm here I'm in your arms love look at me

He turns his head slowly towards me and looks at me

Tears fall from his face

And I wiped them
K- for better or worse you are the loml
V- I love you
K- I love you to

S- here you go

I looked at Spencer and he sets the food down next to me
K- thank you my loves
S & A- your welcome

After eating*

I turned on the tv and soon enough they all come back running and sat on the couch Vinnie and Ace sat next to me and Malia and Spencer sat on the other couch

We watched tv as I played with Aces and Vinnies hair..they reminded me of little kids

I was just happy that I was home.. I would have been happy just to hear their voice, I was so close on giving up..

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