Pt .61

495 7 1

Vinnie paid for 2 tables for the man and us.. i made sure the man had ordered his food before I sat down at our table

S- that.. was like once in a life time thing that I'll ever see happen
A- tha was crazy tbh
M- u think he knows his way around?
K- I'm pretty sure he does..
V- well if he don't I can pay for a hotel
A- dad is stepping up his game
V- haha

As time went on we ordered our food, got it and started to eat while we talked and laughed and shared our moments

After a couple hours of getting dinner and then dessert and then getting drinks because everyone is at least 18 or over well the twins aren't yet there 17 but I wasn't gonna not let them.. they deserved it after everything

But I didn't drink.. last time I did didn't go to well, and ion really like drinking I just worked for the body I wanted I was not tryna ruin it by drinking all night

K- alright kids time to go before u guys get anymore drunk

V- I am not drunk
K- yes u guys are now let's go, into the car

S- we should watch the stars
M- babe that's a great idea

A- ima go smoke

K- Ace no
A- I'll be quick
K- then go to the car and smoke, alright let's go u 3 up

I dragged them along as I paid for dinner, I left a tip because I know dam well we wasn't easy to deal with especially with how scared they were of Vinnies & his reputation and Aces facial expressions

I had finally got them to the car and decided to just go to the house because it was closer
As I drove I opened the top so the air could idk hopefully sober them up

I called Sophia telling her they wasn't gonna be able to make it home and she said it was fine she loved being with the baby

I pulled up to the house and the guard to help me bring them in

K- yo can u help me bring them in
G- what's wrong with them
K- their drunk
G- are u?
K- no I don't like drinking
G- ok yea I'll help

He helps take out the boys as I helped carrie Malia I was not trying to get them up stairs, Ace flipped on the ground Vinnie fell into a chair and Malia and Spencer was on the couch
I made sure to give them medicine because I know dam well Malia and Spencer will wake up feeling like shit but
I grabbed blankets and covered them all up after

I went out the sliding door to see cold sitting there smoking

K- hey..
C- yo, woah
K- yea I haven't changed yet but I needed to smoke so I came out here
C- well u look pretty
K- thank u..

He passes the blunt he had going

K- u think you'll find someone?
C- the way u and Vinnie are hopefully
K- wym we are not wha u want in a relationship
C-the love? Hell yea I mean the unbeatable love u guys have for each other even thru everything is unbelievable its amazing
K- I love him.. the feelings I thought had gone away came back as soon as I first saw him again, the butterflies, everything
C- don't give that up, he don't love but when he does he loves hard and he does.. he loves u and the kids sm.. and plus u need to come get him he's driving me crazy
K- whatt ur crazy to so I bet it goes both ways
C- wowww
K- haha

C- well it's almost 2 am ima gtb, goodnight Katherine
K- wait- how did u come up with ur name
C-I'm cold hearted

He says smiling before walking in
K- but ur exactly the opposite
I say making him walk back out
C- I wish tha was the case
K- you would do anything for Ace and the kids, that right there proves ur not
C- well what can I say u guys are the only family I have

He walks in, I sit there thinking before finishing the 2nd blunt and goin upstairs to change

I walked over to his bed.. it smelled like him I laid down and soon I was out

As I open my eyes I reach for my phone to see what time it was

7 AM

Dam it's still early as I roll over to see Vinnie next to me

V- finally
K- Jesus Vinnie
V- whatt
K- u scared me, why are u up this early
V- I always am
K- oh well I'm not goodnight
V- alright I was just gonna make blueberries waffles

I turn over looking at him and smile

V- Man Ur smile is beautiful, but I rolled so if u wanna smoke and come help me with breakfast..
K- oh I love you
V- u do?
K- Vinnie ofc I do.. I never stopped loving you/

Before I could finish my sentence I feel his lips collide with mine

My stomach felt everything.. I was longing for this kiss for so long I felt something missing and it was this

He places his hand on my cheek
V- I love you Kathrine
K- I love you to

He smiles and hands me a joint n lighter

We walk downstairs as quiet as we could but it didn't help they was already up

M- what happened last night
K- u don't remember?
M- no.. what did I do
K- nothing bad u guys just mainly laughed at people
M- what why
K- idk u guys thought they was funny ig
M-that's so sad

A- I am hungry that's all I know
V- I'm gonna make blueberry waffles rn
A- Awh hell yea

Ace comes running to the kitchen

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