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"Do I get to choose what I do first?"
"I wanna do the throwing knifes I use to throw knifes at this one tree in the forest it's where I went to get my anger out"
"What did the tree do to you "
"it's what calmed me down"
Vinnie shook his head and opened the door
I walk into the room and look at the knifes on the wall
"Choose your knifes"
I grabbed 5 knifes off the wall I went to the first target and threw the knife I walked and threw them at the each targets and got each one I knew how to throw knifes that was easy for me

"Wow mama I'm impressed"
"Thanks babe"
"I want you to sit in here and practice more till I come back"
"What where you going"
"To do business"
Vinnie leaves and shuts the door I picked up 5 different knifes and practiced more

After awhile he didn't come back I was scared to go out this room but I did anyways with a knife in my hand I was walking down the hall and heard punches being blown

I was curious to see what it was I opened the door and saw Vinnie punching some dude that was chained up

Vinnie turns around and he looked pissed not gonna lie & in that moment I knew I fucked up

He grabs my arm aggressively and pulls me out
"What the hell Katherine!"
"I told you not to come out"
"Your not my father! And why are you doing that to that poor man!"
"He stole from me!!"
"Yeah exactly I'm not the person you think I am"
"No I know exactly the person you are Vinnie"
"Well there you go THIS IS ME! Im a monster!"
"I'm not arguing with you here"
"Well I am! Your not a monster Vinnie.. your an amazing guy.. your sweet and gentle with the kids and me, you-"
He roars as you can hear it echo through the halls I looked at him and didn't know what to do so I walked away and went back to the room I was just in

I threw the knifes at the targets

"Ay you don't gotta be so aggressive you know?"
"Leave me alone cold"
"Why would I do that"
I threw a knife that landed right next to his head
"Dude you could of killed me!"
"I told you to leave me alone"
"Why don't we box? So you can get your anger out"
We walked into the other room cold gets in the ring as I do next he puts in a mouth guard
"I ain't tryna take no chances"
I laugh as I crack my neck and stretch my arms

Me and cold box he beats me a few times & I beat him twice!! That counts for something right?

He hands me a water bottle I sit down on a chair

"How'd you met Vinnie"
"Well Um I was apart of a gang and I wanted out and well you know how that goes you don't get out you get killed and well Vinnie saved me.. and from then on I've always looked at Vinnie like a brother since that day"
"Oh.. I never knew you guys were that close"
"We aren't really anymore.."
"Well before you came he was always mad always serious never wanted to do anything but hurt people and smoke.."
"You saved him Katherine, he doesn't know it but you did.. I see the way he is at the house and he's never had that side, you've changed him and for the better he's been in this business for too long that I never thought that anyone could save him but you did.."
"Well I love him.. we fight but at the end of the day the love I have for him it's unbelievable his smile his touch just his voice makes me happy.. watching him with the kids makes me happy it's what I love about him, that he keeps his business life away from the kids and don't let it get to him when he's with the kids"

I look up to see Vinnie standing at the door way.. smiling
"I love you Katherine"
"I love you to"
I stand up and hug him I kiss his forehead and smile

My Mafia man Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz