Chapter Thirty-Seven

Começar do início

"No, it's fine. You two have about 5 minutes before the Uber gets here since my dad dropped me off here." Somi said as y/n told ahold of my hand and dragged me off into my bedroom. Once we were inside, y/n just looked deeply into my eyes. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine as my arms went around her neck and hers went around my waist.

"God, I really want to say it." Y/n whispered to me as I looked into her eyes. I grew confused as I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Say what?" I could tell she was debating with herself in her head after I asked that. Instead of saying something, she kissed my lips sweetly. I responded right away and sighed into it, pushed her head towards me more as I wanted to kiss her more. She didn't mind and went along with it, pulling me closer to her by the waist.

Y/n was able to stop the kiss and I longed for her lips against mine once more before she walked out of my apartment. Her eyes scanned my face as her left hand went up to trace some of my facial features gently.

"I love you."

Oh my god.

She just said it. She just told me that she loves me. The girl that has swept me off my feet and stolen my heart has said the thing that solidifies any relationship. This moment didn't feel real because she's the one person I was dying to hear say those words to me. I collected my thoughts and spoke to her with teary eyes,

"I love you too."

"Oh thank god because I really thought I was saying those words too early and I–"

I didn't let her finish talking because I kissed her; a kiss filled with so much love. She kissed me back with so much love and I couldn't be happier at this moment.

"I love you so much, bluie."

"And I love you so much, blondie." She said as she did an eskimo kiss with me when we separated. She moved her hand down to mine and intertwined her fingers with mine, "It's going to be hard leaving the person I love, but it'll be even better when I reunite with her soon."

"Right back at you. Now let's go and get the traumatized Somi." I said as y/n laughed as we exited my room and walked towards her. She was still sitting on the ground and Hankie decided to keep her company.

"Okay, let's get going Somi." Y/n said as Somi stood up and went over to get y/n's bag for her.

"Alright. Rosie, as terrifying as you were like 3 minutes ago, I'll still miss ya and I can't wait to see all of you back in NYC in like 2ish months." I gave her a hug as she hugged me back. She pulled back and then opened the door, rolling the luggage out and turning back, waiting for y/n to follow.

I squealed in surprise as y/n wrapped me up in a hug and spun me around. She set me back down and pecked my lips, winking at me,

"I'll see ya later, blondie. I love you."

"YOU JU–" Somi started to scream as y/n just placed her hand over her mouth. I smiled at y/n,

"Love you too. Now leave so you don't have to see me cry again." Y/n blew me a kiss with her free hand as the pair walked out of my apartment and down the hallway. Y/n still had her hand overtop of Somi's mouth and it was funny watching her struggle to get free from y/n. Once they got to the elevator and the doors started to close, y/n waved to me once more as she let her hand fall from Somi's mouth finally. I waved back to her with a smile as I could feel the fucking tears forming again. But they were both sad and happy tears this time.

"YOU GUYS JUST FUCKING SAID I LO–" And that was all I was able to hear here tell before the doors closed.

I sighed deeply and could feel my eyes start to water for what felt like the millionth time in the span of less than an hour. I walked back into my apartment and closed the door. The silence and feeling of emptiness in my apartment felt horrible. Hell, even Hankie was sad because he was curled up on the sweatpants I stole from y/n that were laying on the floor. I hugged myself and dramatically slid down my door like I was in some stupid movie and I just found out I was cheated on. Except y/n would never cheat on me, that's a given.

Capturing a Moment (Rosé x Fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora