Chapter 33 - bye bye oli

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"Wh- What? What... How? What." I stand straight and shift uncomfortably, unsure of why she is pushing me away again. "I just said... uhm, you don't do the counting thing as much anymore. Y'know like when you go 'one, two-'."

"-Three." She whispers and I take a step forward, trying to get her to look at me. Yet she only moves further backwards. "Belle, sweetheart what's wrong?" She shakes her head, avoiding my eyes.

"You noticed that I do that, Y-you uhm, how?" She finally raises her head to mine, giving me permission to speak. "Well you ehm... we were at that charity, you were in my arms and you just started counting our steps during the dance, whispering 'one, two and three.' I raised your chin with my finger and I remember saying, specifically, 'What's running through that pretty little head of yours?' And then-" She cut me off once again, holding a hand up.

"Yeah, Leo I remember. I just uhm... I cant believe you noticed that." I shake my head slowly, she's so oblivious it's adorable. "Sweetheart, How could I not? All those days at the café in the summer when you'd twirls your hair around your finger three times, or the night on the beach, hell the night of halloween when you hated me. Even the night of our call, the night that destroyed us. I remember everything, every tiny detail." She sighs, walking over until wrapping her arms around my waist.

I put my arms round her neck and kiss the top of her head. "I remember everything..." I whisper once more and I can feel her heart beating against her chest. "I don't deserve you Maxwell. How could you possibly have noticed that, no man in the world would ever notice that. But you noticed, I mean... I just sometimes can't believe that you are truly mine. That you love me. That you stayed with me through all of it." I hug her a little tighter and pull away, holding her chin up with my hand.

"Well you better start believing it." My eyes are blessed once again by her pretty little smile, and I slowly realize how screwed I am. Whatever fake shit that was once Between Us is gone, and it's all so very real. She is real and she's mine.

I am falling so fucking hard for this girl... and the best part? I hope to never catch sight of the ground.

The Club

"Julia! Will you dance with me since Leo won't?!" I roll my eyes and push past the crowds. "Fine Beth, I will dance with you." She claps her hands together and drags me onto the dance floor. Jumping up and down.

Everyone's eyes magnetically glide towards Beth, she is stunning. Not Belle type of stunning, but still gorgeous all the same. So people glanced at her, blonde hair, silver and sparkly dress, plus the tanned legs really added to the image. A true it girl. She was even planning on forming a cheer team next year for our football team.

The music blares throughout the club as Beth moves to the music, eventually I watch as Julia drags Belle onto the floor as well and then it's just me, dancing with three girls. The looks I was getting from guys around me were stupid, acting as if I had claimed the three of them for tonight, all wondering how one singular guy could be with any one of these.

Yet I had only claimed one, the pretty brunette in a red silk dress, sitting perfectly around her waist and chest.

I grabbed Beth and Julia's hands and spun them both round as they sung at the top of their lungs. Beth sprung into her mother mode when Julia stumbled a little, quickly taking off her heels for her.

Beth is truly a mother at heart, just without a child. I believe she was put on this earth to have a baby and I genuinely couldn't wait to see little versions of Beth running around, probably just as psychotic as their mom.

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