1♡; banana fish

Start from the beginning

they were like a little family, that lived next door to each other. the boys literally came over everyday, and although they have plenty of money, you'd think they were homeless the way they stole from lola and veondre's pantry.

"alright, listen, me and lola are going out, so just don't make a mess while we're gone, okay?" veondre instructed as she put the cereal box back into the cabnet, knowing that the boys probably already forgot to do so.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. where are you going?" daniel asked, watching as lola got up from her seat. "hanging out with these tiktokers that think we're pretty. anyways, no party, okay? okay." lola nodded, grabbing a sprite bottle out of the fridge before walking towards the door.

"oh, have fun, if you see a cute girl give her my number!" micky yelled after them as they walked out the door.

"you spilled the fucking milk!"

"i thought i saw a roach!"

the girls heard the boys' muffled screams from outside the apartment, making them laugh as they walked to the car.

as the girls got into their car to begin driving to the skating rink, Avani and the others were already halfway there.

"i'm nervous. can you guys please turn around and drop me off at home?" Vinnie frowned as he sat in the backseat, Anthony driving them to their destination.

"chill, don't get all anxious. you'll love them, i promise! plus, i think one of them is into skateboarding, too." avani reassured him from the passenger seat, keeping a friendly smile on her face.

"well, yeah, but...they-they're girls." vinnie mumbled as he looked out the window, thinking about how badly he'll fuck up their first impression of him.

"dude, you sound like a fucking 4th grader," Aaron snorted from beside vinnie, making him punch him in the shoulder.

vinnie is terrified, and i mean terrified, of girls. not in a misogynistic way, he just genuinely gets too nervous to act like a normal person.

vinnie knows that he acts all confident on social media, but in reality he was just a sweetheart. he didn't even like going to parties, big crowds make him anxious, he just wanted to stay home and read manga all day.

i mean, yeah, he had female friends, but they were all childhood friends or already in a relationship, he was already comfortable. but hanging out with two pretty girls who had never spoken to a day in his life? he quite literally felt sick.

"look, vin, it's not like you're flirting with them or anything. you don't even have to spark a conversation right away, just follow our lead, you'll be okay." anthony gave him a reassuring smile as he pulled into the parking lot. vinnie sighed and nodded, trying his best to smile as he put his hat onto his head.

the group got out of the car and walked into the establishment to go ahead and pay for everything, while veondre and lola pulled into the parking lot.

"shit, we're late! i knew you were taking too long to get ready," veondre groaned as she quickly unbuckled and gathered her things.  "acting like you ain't take just as long as i did," lola scoffed as she got out the car.

' DIARY OF A WIMPY KID ' - vinnie hacker (✔)Where stories live. Discover now