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"Y/n! Wasn't this the camp the best volleyball camp yet? I kinda don't want to go home" one of your past teammates said.

"I really think we'll make it to nationals this time"  another said.

Their voices came through with the distant chirps of crickets on the outside and the soft thuds of the ball you had been throwing up and catching  right above your face since you laid on the ground.

"Yeah. I want to do more matches for fun though, to practice" you said.

"Definitely! Oh my God y/n, you know what would make you the best captain?" one of them had asked and then added "since you're friends with kenma, maybe you could  get him to agree with us to have a match against the boy's team"

'The boys' team? That's not a bad idea. And playing against kenma would be fun.

"She's just saying that so that she can see kuroo"  another girl chimed in earning a playful attack from the first girl.

"Kuroo?" you repeated and immediately remembered a foggy memory of the dark haired older boy that kenma always hung around.

"Yes. Hana-Chan has the FATTEST crush on him. Stop tickling mee!" the second girl wailed between laughs.

the team had gone on to try and influence you into getting the coach and the boys team to have a friendly match.

of course it was a simple thing to do especially since you were the one asking, but if you'd known how that single game would've changed everything you would've never told kenma nor the coach.

Hana had sent you on a mission that backfired awfully.

When the practice match finally came about and you got icicles to share with kenma after the match, you walked towards him and realised kuroo had been beside him.

Though you usually left when he was around kenma, this time you didn't leave.

"Yo" you greeted both of them and awkwardly gave kenma his icicle then stared at kuroo who quirked a brow. "I only bought two" you explained clutching to your one then awkwardly "but I'll share a piece"

"I thought you were nice all this time" kuroo laughed but took on your offer either way, "you're a cool setter. You should teach this kid" he said plopping a hand on kenma's head as he threw the piece of icicle in his mouth.

"Kenma is already good" you defended, watching as kenma squirmed under his sticky hand.

"Of course I know. I'm just messing with him" he laughed and you grew silent then tried to remind yourself of the pep talk the girls had given you.

'You have to find out if he's talking to anyone and how he feels about me' you remember hana prepping you and uncomfortably you switched your weight to your other foot.

"Well...what did you think about our libero?" you asked and he eyed you wearily then to the girls that were 'hiding' in a nearby bush.

"I was focusing on the ball so I didn't really see" he scratched the back of his head and you scrunched up your nose.

didn't he just compliment my set?

he had been joking with kenma again and soon you realised it was hard to get any openings to ask him what you wanted.

so you sat beside him patiently as you ate at your icicle.

"It's like I've adopted two stray cats" he commented earning a "don't call us that" from kenma and a sigh from you.

𝐁𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐎-𝐒𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 | 𝐤. 𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz