Sixth Part

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Rue's POV:
I was still mad at all of them because I knew that I'll be crying like a baby at the end of the film. Nobody knows it but I really can't see blood. Eww..

As the film began I told myself to slowly breath in and out. It worked for a few minutes but then well.. my eyes began to water as the murderer stabbed his knife into the poor woman's stomach.

"It's okay come here." Jude whispered while looking into my eyes. So far the darkness allowed it.

I slowly looked at him in disbelief but after a minute I finally let my head find the way onto his chest.
He smelled exactly like today in the bathroom. Sweet like Vanilla.
I couldn't and wouldn't get away from his scent. It's like the morning where you don't want to get up and snuggle deeper and deeper into your pillows to let the sleep take over you again.
I closed my eyes. Not because of the film, I just didn't want this to end. I knew, tomorrow was their first game against Croatia. That means they won't have much time and will focus much. They must focus much. I can't be a distraction then.

"What you thinking about?" Jude whispered. His breath minty like he has just eaten a mint bonbon.

"Nothing." I responded, looking to my older brother who hasn't noticed yet, that I've been lying on Jude's chest.

"Come with me." he lifted me up bridal style. I nearly screamed at him but he put his finger to my lips to silent me quickly.

"Mase I'm going to bring Rue to bed, she's asleep." he said and I heard a little "ok".

"That was cheeky Mr. Bellingham." I said amused as he still carried me in his arms along the hallway of the hotel.

"Pretty cool that I'm one of Mason's favorites." he smirked.

"So you could be kidnapping me right now?"

"Yeah, yeah I could." he paused to look me in the eyes. "But you trust me."

"I don't trust you." I responded.

"When you don't trust me why are you still in my arms?" he asked.

I could not respond to that question, I knew he was right.

"You know Rue, trusting people is not easy and believe me it can hurt you really bad if they just use this feeling to break you." he said opening a door. Damn why is he so mature?

"But on the other it feels really good to have someone who you can tell everything." he opened the door and I looked stunned at the beautiful City in front of us.

"This is my favorite place, Rue." he said and put me down.

"It's beautiful." I whispered and I saw him nodding.



Jude can be romantic too😩

How are you babes?

And that you put the story in your reading list. I really appreciate it❤️

 I really appreciate it❤️

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