Chapter IV - Crystal Balls and Phials

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The next morning, Merlin woke up in a strangely soft bed. He opened his eyes in fear that he might zonked out in one of the beds placed in the guests' chambers, or worse - in Arthur's bed. He jumped to his feet at this thought and looked around nervously. With every second, he started to remind himself that he is no longer in Camelot. He glanced to the left and saw Arthur sleeping soundly with no idea what's going on and waiting, for sure, for Merlin to wake him up. The warlock rolled his eyes and pulled the covers off his friend. Arthur shrugged at the sudden feeling of cold and glared at Merlin with sleepy eyes.

"What are you doing?" he murmured.

"I'm waking you up, but I'm not your servant here, remember that," Merlin replied. "This castle is madness. How am I supposed to find a kitchen here?"

"Yeah, I know. I'll manage." Arthur rubbed his eyes. "I hope that Hermione will solve our problem."

"Don't worry, she's the best in Hogwarts," someone's voice answered them. It was Ron looking for some clean clothes in his trunk. "She knows everything."

"It's true," said Harry, untangling himself from the sheets. "We would've been lost without her."

"After yesterday's talking, I can say that she is very eloquent," Arthur stated.

Talking like that for a while they all got ready to leave. Merlin and Arthur watched as Harry and Ron were packing books, which seemed heavy and old due to their thickness and the state of the covers. The warlock took a glimpse of one of the pages that had fallen out of the brown-cover book. He recognised that they were runes, which made him optimistic. The knowledge of runes by young wizards certainly testifies that they are familiar with other areas of magic, and that will surely make it easier for them all to find the cause of his and Arthur's time travel.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" asked Arthur.

"We have to go to classes. You come with us, obviously, unless you choose to die here out of boredom," said Harry. "Besides, we want to show you our school and tell you something more about it once you are here. We will try to help you after we're finished."

"Hey! You're not going to go out like this, are you?" exclaimed Ron, noticing that Merlin and Arthur have the same medieval clothes as yesterday.

"I think I need to take a bath," Arthur stated looking down at his armour.

"Yeah… how much time do we have before your classes start?" Merlin turned to Harry and Ron.

"We should make it if we hurry, but then we'll miss breakfast," the ginger boy muttered and added. "Glad, we don't have potions first…"

"Right, I'll take some spare robes and you lead them to the bathroom, Ron. I will join you in a moment."

It took them about twenty minutes to get ready, including wasted time going up and down the unruly stairs, and the four of them now were heading to the attic of the North Tower. Out of breath, Arthur and Merlin barely climbed the winding stairs after their new friends, and then had to rest for a while before entering the classroom. Ron, seeing them struggling with breathing, said something about knights being out of shape. Arthur took offence at it and murmured more to Merlin and himself that if they were really that powerful wizards they would've magically make it easier for them to move around the castle faster, rather than making it more difficult.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, a strong scent of tea hit their nostrils that made Arthur choke. They were walking through the darkened classroom when a light blue coloured flash caught Merlin's eye. The warlock stared at the shining globe which stood on a small table in the middle of the room. He couldn't take his eyes off it because of something strange that drew him to this, until someone's whispers made him look away. It appeared that they were the last ones to join the classes and shortly after they took their seats, the teacher walked out of the dark and stood next to the table with a shining globe.

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