Chapter II - The King of Hogwarts

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"Hogwarts?" Merlin and Arthur said simultaneously.

"A school of what?" Arthur frowned. "And what is this school?"

"We're teachin' magic here,'' Hagrid nodded.

"Is it a joke? I've just found out that my friend here is a sorcerer and now we're in some kind of school of magic?" said Arthur even more confused.

"Well, I don' see anyone laughin' so it's not a joke," Hagrid chuckled but his smile faded immediately as he realised that they still didn't tell him their names. "Anyway, who are yeh?"

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Arthur Pendragon and this is my servant Merlin."

"A servant?" Hagrid was surprised. He glared at the warlock. "He's not a house elf."

The warlock blinked a few times. "We don't know what you're talking about, we just want to find a way back to Camelot."

"And I don' know what you're talkin' abou', either," said Hagrid. "You're Merlin, right? Are yeh not by any chance named after this famous wizard?"

"I don't remember knowing any other sorcerer named Merlin. He is one of a kind," Arthur replied.

"Yeah, I think he's right," Merlin agreed, smiling slightly.

"So if you're not death eaters, not students…, then yeh must be these new teachers," Hagrid muttered under his breath. "What subject will you be teachin'?" he asked.

"What?" Merlin furrowed brow.

"I see we will not get along," said Arthur rolling his eyes. "Take us to your king."


"Yeah, the king of Hogwarts or whatever."

They were looking at each other with astonishment for a few seconds when Merlin finally decided to break the silence.

"Well… ehm… who's running this place?" he asked timidly.

"Ah," Hagrid smiled. "It's Albus Dumbledore."

"Could we get an audience with him?" asked Arthur.

Hagrid frowned but after a moment he nodded slightly in agreement. "'Course, I can lead yeh ter him," he said and watched them carefully for a beat before heading towards the castle. "Come on!" he exclaimed and Merlin and Arthur followed him.

On their way, they couldn't take their eyes from this marvellous monumental castle, they were staring at it in amazement. Merlin felt a strong magic around him, and he could sense it since they came out of the forest, but he didn't exactly know what was the source of it and where it came from. It seemed like the castle itself was magical. Arthur and Merlin were sceptical about the man walking before them so they chose not to speak but only to communicate through gestures and glances, which they were quite good at.

Soon they found themselves at the large, high, wooden double doors which opened with a loud creak as they approached. They walked into the entrance hall bustling with people wearing the same black robes. Almost everyone shot him surprised looks, some started whispering and pointing discreetly at them, but the warlock's eyes were able to see it. Just ignoring them, Merlin and Arthur followed Hagrid up the wide marble staircase and when they were about to go up the next, the man stopped and turned to them.

"Before we step on these bloody stairs," he said. "I must warn yeh, it can be tricky," he nodded and continued on his way.

Merlin and Arthur exchanged glances and then stepped on the stairs as well. They didn't get very far when suddenly the staircase trembled and moved to the left. Arthur fell to the right bumping into Merlin. He grasped the railing behind his friend.

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