𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙣-

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Hi everyoneee- sorry for not being alive for a while 2 months- I'm here- currently updating my story- I just completely ask- HOW TF DID YOU GET TO 2.5K??! WTF MAN- enjoy the damn chapter-

It had been 2 weeks since I've gotten back. Still haven't told Wil what happened- And I don't think I will be either... He's taken me on a few more dates. And it was amazing I love it. I loved him-...

I had awoken to the blaring alarm next to me. I don't even look up, just reach my hand over and hit it for it to not even stop.

I sigh and continue to hit it for a moment before I just hit it off the nightstand for it to fall off the top to hit the ground and stop for a moment

Sighing in relief I put my head in my pillow and right before closing my eyes

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"¡JODIDO INFIERNO!" I yelled out before covering my mouth, realizing I could've woken up Wil-

I sigh and stretch over to the alarm to pick it up and look at the time

4:33 am

"Es demasiado pronto para esto-..." I whisper to myself while swinging my feet over the bed and reaching my hands up to the ceiling to stretch

Big day today-

I get up and go to the closet to get clothes to start packing.

There's a shirt in the back that I really wanted.. It all the way in the back rack thoughh-...

I sigh and go in the back of the closet to get the shirt as I heard the bedroom door open

Wilbur. It was Wilbur

What was he doing up this early?

Wil looked around the room and chuckled softly, going to the closet

"I thought you've already come out of the closet love?" Causing me to laugh a bit at the joke

I come out and smile looking at him "Good morning to you too Wil-"

Wilbur smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead "Good morning love-"

I put the shirt into the suitcase and sigh softly looking at the suitcase as the taller wrapped his arms around my sides "Do you reallyy have to gooo-??" He whined

"Yes Wil- They've been wanting to see me for a really long time- Plus it may just be the last time I see my grandmother-"

He sighed softly "mkk-" While placing soft kisses on my neck

I laugh a bit "You'll be fine- You big baby-"

"Nooo- I won'ttt-..."

I scoff and pull away from him "cmon- we need to get going-" grabbing my bag and going to the already running car outside

He sighs and follows me, then getting into the drivers side of the car while i put my things in the back and get in the passenger side.

This is gonna be a long trip..

The time went by fast in the car.. Fatser than expected honestly- before i knew it we were at her house-

the house that had never changed, the old little barn house, vines growing from sides making it look even older than it was

My grandmother was sitting on the porch with a old book in her hand while rocking on her creaking old rocking chair while listening to the wind chimes go off from the light winds.

The sun was shining in her eye as she pulls her hand over the top of her eye view to see Wilburs car pulled up in the driveway

A smile grew to her face as she stood up to see me getting out of the car. I smiled a bit and shut the car door behind me.

Wilbur goes ahead and grabs my bags while I go over and hug my grandmother; who I haven't seen in years.

He puts the bags onto the porch and waits for us to spread apart from the hug.

My grandmother looks at Wilbur and smiles wider then looking over to me "who's this young fella" giggling softly

I smile and holds Wilbur's hand "this is my boyfriend Wilbur!" Smiling wider

He smiles and holds my hand back as my grandmother smiles and looks at us both "Wilbur, you should stay for cookies-!"

Wilbur smiles a bit and sighs "I really would love too but I've got to go and pick up my brothers- it was great meeting you"

Her smile fades a bit as she looks at him "oh, that's alright, it was great meeting you too"

He sighs softly and starts to pull away from my hand as a squeeze his hand a bit looking at him, he looks back at me and raises an eyebrow "hm?"

"I'm missing something-" I say giggling softly while looking at him.

He looks around and raises his eyebrow "I think you have-" he cuts himself off and smiles, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I smile and peck his lips, going to grab my things and head inside.

Wilbur makes his way down to the car once again and looks back before getting into the car, slowly pulling out.

I turn over to my grandmother who is smiling widely "c'mon in, I have so much to show you" she takes my free hand and drags me inside


"Y'know Karl and Nick were so happy to hear you were coming down! You should go and see them- they would be so happy to see you "

"I- when?" I raise an eyebrow and look over to her

"Now silly!!" She giggles and points to the door

"But- I don't know where to even go to look for them"

"I told them you'd meet at the park at 3 p.m."

I scoff and look at her "you can't do that to me!" I chuckle softly and start breading out the door

I shut the door behind me and start heading towards the park-

Why the park?

The park wasn't too far from us, just down the road.

It was an old park, the swings would creak as you swung on them. The monkey bars would shake. Etc.

I had soon arrived to the park, i look around to see no one  even there

Was this some kind of stupid joke?

I take a look once more to then hear from behind me "Surprise!!"

I smiled widely and turned around to hug the both of them "oh my god, hey!"

We all laughed for a bit still hugging each other-

They look so different-..  Karl had the fluffiest hair, painted nails with rings, a his brightly colored hoodie with some sweatpants, Nick had a hoodie in with a cap over his dirty brown hair. Damn.

"God- it's been so damn long"  Nick smiled

"Yeah-.. it has.." I sigh softly and pull away from the hug.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter- I'll try and get on track with these chapters again- I love you all- byebye :)

Late Night Meets (Tnt duo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя