"𝙌𝙪𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙬𝙝𝙮-.."

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(Hello! Uhm- So warning for this chapter is Abuse and Self harm (Or attempt to)! I do ask- please don't be doing self harm plainly- If you ever need to talk I' m always open! And I have decided that before I post next chapters I must have the next chapter half done-!  Uh- Enjoy the sad chapter! And if you haven't been able to tell, I switch POVs easily! Sorry-!)

Wilbur POV (It'll be too sad in a Quackity POV.) 

It was 3:30 on a Saturday.. I went to go see Quackity, usually his parents aren't home on Saturday.

I knock on the door in case.  But what if he was asleep?

I sigh and quietly open the door, looking at the empty, messy house, I walk to the hallway which his bedroom was.

I open the door so see nobody.. I look over to the bathroom, The door was open

Where could he have gone- it's Saturday.. He doesn't work today-

I continue to look around his house quietly for him until  I make it to the kitchen...

Quackity was standing this with his sleeve rolled up and a knife against his arm. Tears rolling down his cheeks, he sniffled trying to focus on his arm. He couldn't  He was way too shaky,with  his eyes blurry from crying.

I quietly go to behind him from the other side of the kitchen. I come up from behind him then taking the knife from him.

He gasps looking at me then backing up scarred..?

I can tell.. He looked ashamed and embarrassed that I found out-..

He looks down, I open my arms for a hug "Come here please-.." I wasn't happy about him doing this.. nor was I mad? 

It was sad he was doing this to himself, he has a shitty life, shitty parents, and a terrible Ex... 

He comes over slowly, hugging me and continues crying a bit.

We pull away from the hug

"Quackity-.. look at me..."  I whisper 

He doesn't look at me..

Quackity POV

I don't look at him; I'm scared if I don't though-.. 

I'm shaking so hard, I can't control it.. I hope he doesn't see that either- 

He repeats in a  firm voice "Look at me" Reminded me of Jshlatt-.. 

Last time I wouldn't look at Jshlatt he slapped me. I didn't want to be slapped again-..

Wilbur wouldn't slap me... would he...?

"Quackity-..." He raises his other hand

I panic and burst out crying, shaking even more than I was before "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll look at you! Please don't hit me!" I cry out, backing away from him until I hit the wall behind me. then sliding down with my head in my hands 

He looks at me then down to his feet "You're scared of me..?"

I quickly shake my head no. "I- I-M- mem- memor-" I stuttered too much. "Fuck!" I yell out, not controlling my words.

Wilbur walks over to and sits down next to me. 

I look at him, my eyes are puffy and red. He hugs me as I lay my head down in his lap. We make eye contact .

--1 hour later they're still laying there--

We were still laying there, peacefully.. Until I heard the front door open

"Quackity! You bastard-! Get out here!" I recognize the voice-..   I fucking forgot my oldest brother was coming home today. He yells my name louder.

I quickly get up, then shoving Wilbur in the closet in the kitchen whispering to him "Stay please-.."

He comes into the kitchen "Why didn't you come when I fucking called you?" He snaps at me

"I-" I don't answer fast enough, he slaps me, causing me to tumble. 

He takes my chin and takes a hard look at me "Such a disappointment-.."  He tightens his grip, causing me to whine quietly "So fucking weak too-"  He pushes me down to the ground and stands there looking at me 

"Get back up now-" He commands. I start to get up as he pushes me down again. I could tell Wilbur was stopping himself from coming out and stopping my brother but he knew that would have gotten me in more shit.

"Lets go- We're leaving for the day-" I was confused but I nodded. He started to walk off, and as he walked off, I mimicked "Go" To Wilbur in the closet.

The closet was going to make a loud noise when he opened it so I fake sneezed twice, as I watched Wilbur leave out the back door...

"Don't fucking do that- That is disgusting"  He snaps at me, not even looking at me.  

I quickly nod "sorry-.." We get to the door "Get your shoes on- I'll wait-"  I quickly put on my shoes then looking up at him. 

We go outside to the car, me on drivers side cause he was too lazy to drive- 

"Follow this GPS, That's were we will be going for the day-" I nod then looking at the GPS starting to drive.


We were 3 minutes away, the GPS said. 

I sigh "W-Where are we even going-..?"  He looks over to me with a wide grin on his face "You'll see" That grin wasn't anything good-..

I saw that we were then one minute away from the destination, I start to look around then I see it..  

He taking me to a fucking bar.. 

(Hah- Cliff hanger bitch- If you didn't read in the front it said that I'm not posting the next chapter until the chapter before that is half done- So that is that! Sorry for another pretty short chapter- But uhm- No request, MY STORY- and Have a nice day/night/evening) 

(Also- Is evening and afternoon the same thing?? Just wondering XD)

Word Count: 983


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