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(Okay I think by the title I bet you can guess what this chapter is about-... Yep! Quackity's dream! this is technically a flash back! mentions of abuse- )

Quackity POV. 

I'm taken back to when I was 7 years old. It was 10pm, my father had just gotten back Drunk of course

He had started an argument with my mother, I only stood looking through the crack of my door, until something drops in my direction-... 

He looks over to where I was, my mother yelled for me to hide as I hear my father walking over to my room. 

I panicked not knowing where to go as a 7 year old. Under the bed!

I crawled as far back in the bed as i could, He barges in my bedroom saying stuff, almost yelling "Buddy! Come on out- I just wanna talk-!" He continued to walk around the bedroom

He continued to look for 5 minutes then stopped at the bed bending over, and without even looking he grabs my skinny wrist with a first grip, yanking me out from under the bed.

Holding me by my one wrist tightly, I couldn't touch the ground at all. He had a wide grin on his face while I continued to try and get away from his grip 

There was no use..

His whole hand went around my one tiny wrist. He squeezes my wrist tighter yelling at me "Shut the fuck up!" 

That was going to leave a mark later-

He happened to have a bottle in the other hand,  he looked at the bottle then back at me. "You know what happens to little boys when they're bad?" I shiver is fear

He gets angry from me not answering "Answer me you little runt!" He yells 

I quickly shake my head 

He takes the bottle and then before I knew it, There was severe pain on the top corner of my head, I hear a ring in my ear.

He throws me by my wrist, I hit a wall. He soon leave soon leaves the room saying "So fuckin weak-" 

The ringing got louder, I reach my hand to my head  then pulling m hand back down to see a blurry red in my hand.

My mother soon came in running, she was so worried, I only could see blurriness then black.


I woke up in a panic, I call one of the only people I trust "Wil!" I cry. 

I start to look around the room then to hear his calming voice, it was dark, scarry.. Then he turns the lamp on. 

I blink, not expecting the light, then to see him. I quickly get over the top of him, hugging him. He hugged me back..? 

I can't help but apologize..  He shouldn't have to deal with me.. He should be able to sleep..

He rubs my back supporting me, and just sob on his shoulder, I couldn't help it.. It was was terrible flash back-..

I felt embarrassed that I was on his lap. I look at him then down. He puts his hand on my red warm cheek, I rest my head and his thumb went up and down, It calmed me-..

I look to meet eyes with him. 

I can't help but apologize again to him..  He calmly says to me "It's okay Quackity-.. just let it all out" I burst out crying.. again-

I get move my head then getting more comfortable on him lowering down more then resting my head on his chest.  I hope he didn't mind-..

I mumbled "Wil-..?"

He answers me calmly "Yes?" 

I pout "Can you wait for me to fall asleep..?" 

I didn't want him to fall asleep before me, I'll get scarred to keep on thinking about this topic by myself..

"Of course I can-" He answers so sweetly and calming.

I really hope he doesn't mind..

I sigh, after 10 minutes of sitting there listening to my own thoughts.. I didn't know if he went to sleep or not..?


"Yes!" It sounded like he shot awake-..

"Nothing-.." I sigh and then drift back into my sleep..

I don't know if he did or not.. but I assume he did..

(Hey! Sorry for a short chapter! I really didn't feel like continuing this part- and then moving on- I'd rather move on in the next chapter! But- I hope you enjoyed! I don't want many request on this story-! Sorry- But Hopefully the story gets better! Uhm- Yeah- month is December 'cause of the snow. And well- lets just say they follow  the same date as today! (December 12, well I'm working on this at 3 in the morning sooo) Anyways! Hope this chapter was good enough for you all! And yeah! <3 )

Word Count: 805

:] Pog

Late Night Meets (Tnt duo)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon