In my weary state, I don't know how or when, but I'm somehow shepherded into someone's car. A seatbelt is strapped across my body, someone's hand pressed against my shoulder. I feel myself slipping back off to sleep, my good eye shutting involuntarily. 

"Shhhh... it's okay Mel." someone whispers, guiding my head down until it's resting comfortably. I can't even begin to mumble out a reply, my words feeling stick and hazy against the dryness of my throat. 

I press my eyes closed again as the car rumbles to life. My mind swirls in harmonic rhythm to the road, my body rattling around with each bump or curve of the dark, cold streets. 

My eyes eventually flutter open as I feel the car stop from underneath me, the bright streetlights all too vibrant. I reach a hand up, a vague attempt to block the beckoning rays. 

A lash of cold air hits my exposed ankle, the regular coolness of the night quickly becoming. A soft, warm palm places itself on my sagging shoulder, pulling me out of the car easily. I fall into the persons side, their arms steadying me. 

More and more people hold me as we walk towards the highly illuminated lights of what I presume is the hospital. Voices fill my ears, pulsating with a throbbing ache, stemming from somewhere in my body I can't seem to exactly pin point. 

"Melanie, Mel, Mel..." I snap my working eye open again, my vision doubling for a split second. 

Christian's staring down at me, his arms wrapped around my body, supporting me. Lera stands beside him, clutching onto his arm tightly. Persephone, Natalie and Casey stand off to the side, all huddled in a group as they watch me nervously. My stomach lurches as I'm dropped onto a surprisingly soft surface, my head softening into the structure in immense relief. 

Voices mutter above my head as my eyes flutter shut once again, the bright lights of what I presume is the hospital becoming too much for my aching brain. A bright light is flashed in front of my eyes, instantly bringing me back to a state of alert. 

"Melanie? Melanie... Hi. My name's Dr Baker, what's brought you in to the ED today?" I focus my attention on the dark-haired doctor standing in front of me, as she grabs the worn stethoscope from around her neck, pressing it to my chest. I gulp slightly at the contact, closing my eyes as I swallow a mouthful of fear. 

"Melanie... are you with us?" 

"Sorry... sort of. My head hurts." I force my eyes open again. My speech is slow. My brain feels like it's dragging. 

"That's okay honey. Do you think you could tell me what's brought you in here today?" Through my working eye, I spy a soft smile on her face, pairing perfectly with the smooth kindness of her voice. I don't know what it is about her, but I feel safe. Feel like I'll be heard by her. 

So I tell her everything. 

Relieve every bad memory that accumulated in my mind. Each and every little thing about my afternoon. About him.

Dr Baker smiles sympathetically when I finish my story, placing a soft hand on my shoulder. 

"Well, how about we help to get you fixed up. Let's start with that gash on your eye, hey?"


I feel empty

Mind empty. Soul empty. Feelings tank empty. 




It wasn't until I woke up this morning that everything fell into place. That everything became real. That I started thinking clearly. That the pain killers stopped the confusion, subsequently forcing me to face the truth.

BlindsidedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon