Part 16

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He is so infuriating.

Telling me who I can and can't talk to like he's my mother. Well, one of them anyway.

Which, in any case, is completely unreasonable. I would barely consider us friends, more of acquaintances who are forced to work together. And here he is, trying to rule my life. Holding another thing over me.

Which is just completely fucked up, in every single way possible. I don't even know where that comment came from the other night. I was just talking to that guy, Tristan, who I've seen at swim meets for years. It's not like it's a new thing for me to be seen talking him, we're well-known acquaintances. So, why did Bailey make it his sole duty to but in and 'save' me?

Like, who does he think he is? My protector, or some superhero destined to ruin what's left of my crippling social life?

I don't understand him, not one little bit. One second he's all nice, gifting me strawberries and acting like a real person, and the next he's telling me off for talking to someone I have every right to talk to.

Well, he should know me better than to not try and tell me what to do. I'll be the first one to admit it, that I'm headstrong and independent, and probably a bitch, but I know what I want. And I know that I don't take order from just anyone.

Let alone the likes of Bailey Whitlock.

Which is why I need to prove a point to him. Maybe if I show him that I can live without his scrutiny of everything I do, then he'll finally take the hint.

And maybe, to finally get the thought of him out of my system.

I'm embarrassed to say I've thought about him these past few days. Quite often. Mostly at night. Again, majorly embarrassed to even be admitting this.

I'm not supposed to like him, and I don't, but I just can't stop thinking about the way he looked at me the other night. How his eyes stayed trained on me, even after I'd caught him, staring at me as I danced obliviously. How he simply smirked, fully aware of what was happening between us. I mean, not that anything happened between us, but just the situation we were in was fairly obvious to the both of us. 

You know what I mean.

The whole thing is just so... ugh. It's stressing me out, and consuming every last spare thought I possess. Which is something I know shouldn't be happening, but I don't know how to stop it. I don't know how to stop him popping into my mind all through the day, even when I'm not even remotely thinking of him. It's getting exhausting, something I don't have the time or energy for.

Hence, why I need a rebound. A distraction. Now.

Although, there's just one small issue with that problem. How does one acquire a distraction? Like, can you just borrow one, like a library book? One with a 2 week borrowing period, which after you have to give it back?

Because that's all I need. Someone to simply be around, a no-strings attached, 2 week soiree where nothing matters. Someone to get me over the line, something to distract me until every last thought of Bailey escapes. Because I cannot, simply cannot deal with housing any thought of him for any longer. Otherwise, I will pass insanity and delve into whatever is classed as beyond insanity.

And maybe, just maybe, that someone may help me to get revenge. Someone with a grudge against Whitlock, who'd make his blood absolutely boil. Someone to make him shake in rage because I'd even *talk* to someone without consulting him first. It'll be perfect, as long as I can find someone who can be persuaded into my manipulation.

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