Part 10

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I groan inwardly as I step into the elevator, my legs aching. I press the fourth button, twice this time, and lean back against the cool metal of the wall. The elevator whizzes too quickly for my liking, placing me on the fourth level in no time. The doors fly open, and I reluctantly pull myself out, my laptop bag swinging against my hip. I wander down the carpeted corridor, stopping right outside room 23. I take a deep breath, lifting my fist to the cool wood of the door. I rap on it twice, stifling a laugh as I remember the last time I was here.

I look down the corridor quickly, trying to calm the nerves that won't leave me. I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little nervous about actually going to his apartment. It just seems so... personal. Like I'm stepping into a whole area of his separate life, away from everything I'm used to. I know I've already been inside once, when we first started the project, but I just... I can't shake the anxiety. I don't know if it's different now, since we kissed at that party, or because of how much time we're spending together for the project, but something seems to have shifted, just a little.

Ugh, I'm probably just being stupid. It'll be fine, everything will be fine.

No sound comes from behind the door, and I groan. He said for me to meet him at 11, and it's 11. Trust him to always be late.

I raise my fist to the door once again, getting ready to barge my way in angrily. Although, before my fist can make contact with the door, its pulled into the room, almost making me loose my balance.

"Hey Melly, sorry I was just uh," he looks back into his apartment. "getting stuff set up."

"You said 11, right?" I flick open my phone, noticing how it's just passed 11. If anything, I'm late.

"Uh, yes, yes, sorry, come on in." He opens the door wider, dramatically gesturing for me to enter. I walk into his apartment, which is oddly cold in comparison to the warmer temperatures outside. I shiver, clutching the arms of my sweatshirt tighter around my body.

"Hi." I take a short breath through my nose, jumping around at the sudden voice. My eyes scan the kitchen, landing on a brunette around my height. She smiling at me with her lips closed tightly, leaning against the kitchen shiny countertop.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't know Whit- sorry, Bailey had someone over." I refrain from whipping my head around as I hear his heavy footsteps approach us.

"That's okay. What are you doing here?" she asks, a hint of angst in her voice. Which, to be honest, isn't unreasonable.

"We're working on this project for the swim team. We're co-captains, and our coach keeps making us do these team building activities." My eyes loiter to where Bailey has moved to stand in between myself and the unknown girl. His eyes flick between the two of us as he places his hands on his hips, swaying side to side anxiously.

"Uh Lucinda, this is Melanie. Mel, this is Lucinda." I smile at Lucinda, raising my hand into a small wave. She smiles back, one that spreads from each side of her ear.

"Okay, well, if you guys need to work on that project, I'll leave you to it." Lucinda says, standing from the bench. I avert my eyes as she falls into Bailey's side, their encounter radiating awkwardness from his part.

"See you later, babe." she says, her keys jangling as she picks them up from the counter. We bid each other goodbye kindly, my eyes never leaving Bailey's beet red cheeks.

I hear the door click closed as I set my bag down at his dining table, a small sigh coming from across the room.

"Well, that was a more graceful entry, wasn't it now. You know, you don't have to kick down my door to be let in." He teases, the clinking of mugs emanating from the nearby kitchen.

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