*Part 18

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[trigger warning: sexual assault]

"Come on Flores! Keep pushing!" I groan, pushing back off the wall and into the rough, choppy water. Every single bone in my body aches, including the crushing one inside of my head. 

Bailey and I didn't really do much work yesterday, after I barged in. We just talked. We've never really 'just' talked before, and it was... refreshing. I felt like he understood my fear, understood how stupid yet scary the whole thing was. 

Although, I haven't told him the only reason I went out with Jamie in the first place was to make him jealous. He'd never be able to get that out of me. I've stuck to my story, claiming that I was just getting to know Jamie for the point of team bonding. 

Not that very much bonding actually happened.

But as thankful as I am for being able to vent to Bailey, I don't want him feeling sorry for me. I don't want him trying to protect me from everything again. He needs to know he can't stop me from living my own life.

These thoughts swim around beside me, pausing momentarily as I reach the end of the pool, gasping for air. I look at the lane to my right, Bailey's heaving chest identical to my own. He rips off his goggles, smirking sideways as I pant.

Coach put us through the ringer today, although it didn't help that my head wasn't in it. I've been able to avoid Jamie for the majority of the session. I got here late, claiming I had a class that ran late just so I wouldn't have to warm up anywhere near him. And I put myself in the furthest lane from him, even though it was my least favorite lane. 

That's what I'll do to get away from him. 

I know that we'll have to talk, sometime, but that doesn't mean right now. Or for a little while. Like I said, sometime.

"Alright guys, well done today. You're free to go!" Coach yells from the other end of the pool, swinging his stopwatch in his hand. I let out a sigh, preparing myself before I reach my arms up. I pull myself out of the deep pool, wriggling my body along the pool deck until I can stand. I hear Bailey laughing from below, and it only takes one hard stare for him to shut up, although the smirk stays. 

I grab my kit bag off of the deck, shaking loose water off of it. I start walking towards the change rooms, rather quickly for obvious reasons, but the one voice I don't want to hear calls me back. 

I stop dead in my tracks, squinting my eyes nervously before I turn around. I plaster a fake smile on my face, watching as Jamie shakes his hair of water droplets. Looking over his shoulder, I spy Bailey, eyeing the two of us. His gaze meets mine, and I nod my head ever so slightly. His eyeline never falters as he hangs behind, pretending to grab stuff from the pool deck. 

"Hi... Jamie." I start, taking a step back as he takes a step closer to me. 

"Hi. I just wanted to say yesterday was fun... and that you didn't text or call or anything. Is everything okay?" No. No, not everything is okay. 

"Uh yeah... I had a think, and don't take this personally, please don't... see anything between us, long-term. It's more of a me thing than a you thing, so please, please don't feel bad." I gulp, watching as his face drops.

"Wait so... you're breaking up with me?" my eyes almost pop out of my head. Who said anything about dating?

"I... I didn't think we were dating? Sorry, if I'd known you were under that impression, I would've approached this differently." he rolls his eyes, a flush creeping up his cheeks.

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