Part 29

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"Let's walk slowly, I want to look at the stars." I cut my strides shorter, until I'm basically dawdling beside a dawdling Melanie, who's soft, sweet face is turned up towards the sky. From looking across at her, and carefully studying her side profile, I can tell that's she's thankfully stopped crying. Although she may still be upset, she's less likely to break my heart when the tears aren't flowing. I can't even defend myself. Seeing her in pain puts me in pain, and lot's of it.

"I love nights like this." she breathes, laying her head against my coat-padded shoulder, sniffing again.

"And why's that?"

"Because, just look at the stars. Aren't they so... bright? Enchanting? Dreamy?"

"Starry?" she pokes her elbow into my rib, one that I'm sure must have bruise marks decorating it by now. Not that I mind. She could leave any mark she likes on me, and I'd still thank her.

My hand finds her outer one as we walk in silence, my long fingers wrapping around hers tightly.

"About what you were saying before, about... not wanting things to change, I just want you to know that I'm always here. To talk to, to yell at, or to just stare at the stars with. I want to help, in whatever way that I can." I stare out into the open night sky as I say this, the potential of rejection too much.

"How would you have guessed that I'd like to yell at you?"

"Just a wild guess." My head turns to her side, catching a soft, noiseless laugh that's sitting on her lips.

 Her eyes never once leave the safety of the sky as we complete the short stroll back to her place, well, not until we're almost blinded by 2 newly parked cars headlights. Melanie shields her eyes, but instantly smiles when she recognises the faces of the drivers.

"Get ready Whitlock, you're about to meet my dads." she whispers, giggling.

Dads? Hold on a second...

"I thought you only had-"

"Is that little Melanie!" Melanie laughs back another sob as she gently untangles herself from my arms. A second later, she's swept into a large group hug, by who I can only assume are her friends. I hang back, a soft smile spreading across the lower half of my face as I watch her. I love how her smile completely lights up her face, pushing her cheekbones up to an incredibly high level.

Have I ever made her smile like that? God, I hope so.

After she's greeted her never-ending group of friends, she turns back towards where I'm standing, beckoning me with her hand.

"Bailey and I were just coming back from our swim team party. Whitlock, these are my friends." I lift a hand, waving warmly at the group surrounding Melanie.

"Hey, I'm Natalie. How was the party?" A shortish girl with glasses smiles warmly at me, before looking back across at Melanie.

"Okay I guess. But we left early, through the back door." Melanie says, ignoring the humour filled glances her friends give her.

"We were just about to go to my place, a few minutes off campus to have a games night. Would you like to join?" Another one of Melanie's friends step forward, pointing her question at me.

I should really learn these people's names.

"No, it's okay, I won't intrude."

"No, please, you won't be. And anyway, the guys need a new boyfriend to make buddies with." To my surprise, Melanie doesn't even try and correct her friend. She just smiles, nodding her head. In that case...

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