(14) Lies and Liars

Start from the beginning

"I would love that. Just being with you makes my heart beat fast." The princess blushed a dark red then snuggled against me. I held Amity close and kissed her head before placing mine on top of hers. I thought about some scenarios on what it would be like without Belos. A big happy family with the Blights and my family together. Our kingdom and allies will not be in fear because of him any longer. Amity becomes a great queen without having to start a war against Belos. That's a dream I'm waiting for to happen.

12:00 pm

"Psst. Hey kid. Wake up," I heard someone whisper while shaking me gently. I slowly opened my eyes, and my vision adjusted to see Eda was the one who woke me up from my nap.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I slowly rose until I realized that Amity was cuddled up on me. I moved away from her quietly and slowly so I wouldn't wake her up. Her chest was rising and falling, and her purple hair laid on her face. She looked so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping.

"You stare at Amity the way I stare at your mother," Eda took me out of my trance and warmth flowed on my face.

"I can't help myself."

"Me neither. Anyways back to your question. Nothing happened and everything is fine. I'm sorry that I interrupted your nap, but Alador wants to come up with a strategy between him, you, Lilith, and I."

"Already? When is Lilith planning to head back to the Demon Realm?"

"We talked about it, and she said she'll wait for at least four days, so it'll convince Belos that she is trying to get some info on our plan against him."

"That's understandable. It will give her time to rehearse the main plot and tell Belos all about it."

"Exactly. Plus, Lilith really needs some space away from that horrible place. When I first saw her here, she looked terrible. It would be best for Lily to relax and get some rest without having her to overwork herself."

"I agree. She'll need it before she goes back," I uttered.

"Lilith will be okay. I'm sure of it. Now, come on. I don't want Alador to keep waiting on us any longer."

"Right. Just let me write a note for Amity, so she won't freak out that I'm not next to her when she wakes up," I searched around for a piece of paper.

"I'll wait for you outside while you do your thing," Eda walked out the room while I found a sheet of paper and quill with ink to write on. I wrote three sentences before placing the letter next to Amity and heading out of our bedroom. My mom and I strolled quickly to the strategy room where Alador and Lilith awaited us.

"Hey there, Luz. I'm glad you are joining us this evening. I apologize for intruding on whatever you were doing," Alador gave me an apologetic smile.

"It's not a problem. I was taking a nap with your daughter," I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ah, I see. I should've allowed you to continue sleeping but I didn't know you were exhausted."

"Don't worry about it, Alador. This meeting is more important than my nap. So, shall we begin?" Eda and I sat down.

"We shall. As you know from what Lilith has told us, we must come up with a fake scheme that sounds real to tell Belos. It needs to be detailed and way different than our original plan we have in mind. I haven't told your sister about our real plan so that way she won't mix it up with the fake one. I would like to start off with some suggestions, and from there, we can come up with one simple solution. Let's start off with you, Edalyn."

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