Chapter Six

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[If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions]

"What the-"

"Okay, before you freak out, hear me-" I slam the door on his face mid-sentence.

"Who was it?" Joohyun shouts from the dining room. I stand frozen momentarily before a knock resounds from the door.

I turn and walk into the dining room, "V."

The chatter and sounds of eating pause. I stand very still as the silence grows awkward.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Youngmin's voice breaks the silence. He starts eating again after, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I-uh," My words catch in my throat as I look at them.

"Just hear him out and come back to eat after," Sungjin is very calm as he speaks, gesturing with his hands for me to turn around.

I do so without another thought, wiping my clammy hands on my pants as I approach the door. At least I look cute.

I swing the door back open and sure enough, he's still standing there. I switch my slippers for shoes and step outside, closing the door gently behind me.

"Hi, [N]," He says, a quick wave at me before shoving his hand back into his pocket. He's wearing a long coat that falls nearly to his ankles, covering a cool grey shirt and forest green pants. God, he's hot.

"V-hyung," I mutter, trying to avoid his direct gaze. 

He glances down at his feet before looking up at me again, "I wish you wouldn't-"

"What do you want?" I cut him off and my fingers lace around the cool metal that's still in my pocket. I suck in a deep breath, feeling my chest rise with the butterflies that occupy my stomach. 

"What exactly did you tell Namjoon-hyung?" His voice comes out hot, dripping as he speaks and weighed down with shame. I scoff, rolling my eyes as he visibly shrinks in front of me. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" His mouth opens slightly before closing quickly. Goldfish. "I told him the truth. Can I go inside now?"

"Why can't we just- I mean come on. [NN]-" He stutters as he speaks, not truly formulating any thoughts I care about.

"No, V. Either go home or say what you want to say," I cross my arms, pulling them out of my pockets abruptly but cautious to not drop my vape. "Or better yet, tell me the truth."

"I miss you," He says after a brief pause. He doesn't meet my gaze, which I'm thankful for as I still my face and breath. 

"That's not fair," My voice cracks as I speak and I take another deep breath after. My shoulders roll back and I twist my head to the side, biting my lip as I think. "You're the one who fucked up. You don't get to say that."

Before he can respond I turn around and click the door shut. I twist the lock and appreciate the cool metal as I calm down. 

I walk back into the dining room, the chatter falling still when I enter. 

"So...?" Laon grumbles, looking a bit more alive and recovered from his hangover. 

"Nothing important," I shrug, taking my seat beside Mini who breaks out into a smile. He slips a hand over to my thigh and gives a light squeeze as I start to eat. 

I drown out the conversation they're having about Namjoon's upcoming party, knowing I'll be dragged along and just get drunk. 

"I miss you."

Fuck you, Kim Taehyung, for occupying my thoughts. 


Hey guys! I am so sorry this update is so late, things have been really insane. I want to make sure my updates are good and actually contribute to the story I have in mind so please be patient with me as school comes to an end and I find more time for you my loves!

Ache: A Sequel // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now