Chapter Five

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[A Day Off]

When did it become day?

I hide the vape laying in my sheets back in the drawer before letting out a loud groan. I walk out of my room into the hallway, trying my best to stay quiet so I don't disrupt the others. I grab the medicine from the top shelf and chug some ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

I open the fridge and close it as I decide to make some instant ramen instead. The water flows easily into the kettle and I rest my head on my hands as it heats.

My eyes gently drift as I recall the events of the night prior. As expected from me, I spent most of it drunk and a little sad. But on the bright side, I at least know that Jungkook was never just bringing up Taehyung to rub salt in the wound. As if he would ever do that intentionally.

I slurp the noodles into my mouth, the warmth easing at least a part of me.

And I saw Taehyung and didn't do anything stupid.

I put my arm around his shoulder and smiled at him.

The noodles fly from my mouth as I begin coughing violently.


I reach for a napkin nearby and wipe the combination of spit and broth from my mouth and chin. Gagging slightly, I sweep the lost noodles from the counter into my hands and hurry to the sink where I promptly drop them into the garbage disposal. The churning fills my ears as I wipe off the counter.

Once everything is clean, I realize that I likely woke up the entire dorm with all the ruckus. Well, at least I would think so. If any of the boys awoke they certainly aren't making their way out here.

Reluctantly, I grab my phone from my back pocket and shoot a text to Jungkook.

Hey, can you do some spy work for me?
Just remembered that I put my arm around V last night
Please tell me he doesn't remember that

I set my phone down beside me and finish my noodles. I continue going through the night in my mind, trying to piece together bits. My face heats as I recall the moment I spent on the balcony with Junkook. His hair fell perfectly in his face, and his lips-

Bro. Chill.

I stand and stretch before tossing the cup in the trash and the chopsticks in the sink. It wasn't very filling, but I don't really care.

I hustle back into my room and strip to hop into the shower. We have the day off, so I figure that I can go out and relax.

I haven't visited Ajax and Cora in a while so I might stop by while I'm out.

The clock reads '9:00' as I pull on a pair of light jeans, a collared white button-up, and a black crewneck. I grab a few rings and pop them on my hands while admiring how faded the burn scars were. 

I square my shoulders and look in the mirror. I style my hair and then grab my pen from the drawer and shove it into my pants pocket. I hurry out of my room and snatch my phone from the table. I shove it into my other pocket and head toward the door.

I grab my wallet and keys and shove them into my back pockets before hurrying outside. I shoot the boys a text to let them know I'll be gone as I begin my walk.

Before I know it, the cafe is in front of me. I ignore my phone buzzing in my pocket as I swing open the doors. The smell of espresso and chocolate fills the air and I can't help the smile that finds its way on my face. My smile widens when I recognize the low ponytail of red hair.

Ache: A Sequel // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now