Chapter Four

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[A Party's End]

"That will certainly fester," Mini smiles and I nod. I chug the rest of the bottle, my head pounding.

I roll my head in a circle, trying to stretch out my neck and also relieve the itching I begin to feel.

Fuck. I need a hit.

Instead, since I know it's not an option, I opt for grabbing another bottle of soju. I leave Mini to the others, bidding him goodbye as I make my way back upstairs. I relax on the balcony once more, the cold feeling appreciated as I heat up.


It's already late out. I stand alone on the balcony, cursing myself for how vulnerable I was feeling. For how easily my mind was winding down a path I didn't want it to.

I can't help but yearn for more of the cold. I feel hot and I hate it. Even years later I can't forget how hot it had been. I close my eyes for a moment and I'm there.

I can still hear how loud it was. The crackling stung my ears. I remember screaming. I remember screaming for Taehyung- a detail I refuse to admit to anyone. I had never felt more terrified.

I take another swig from the bottle, the tightness in my throat not near enough to the burning that I crave.

My dreams, as they tend to do, only distort the memories more. Everything playing in such extreme detail. Everything new and more twisted.

I turn my head back when I hear the door open. Namjoon-hyung steps onto the balcony with me and I tuck the bottle toward my stomach.

"I don't like lying to you," He starts, walking toward the railing to lean next to me. "He hadn't told us- any of us."

"I don't like lying to you either," I mumble, already feeling guilty for how I approached telling him. "Jungkook, just earlier, told me he hadn't told you guys. I just- I thought you all knew. I shouldn't have said that back there. I was just feeling petty, honestly."

"I don't blame you for that," He chuckles deeply and I follow suit. "Would you be okay with a party? A more tight-knit one, that is."

I shrug slightly, swaying the bottle in my hands, "I'm not sure, to be honest. We didn't exactly end on good terms. I should be okay by now, but I think a year and a half, give or take, takes longer to forget."

He nods gently, pushing himself off of the balcony and heading back toward the glass doors leading inside.

"I know it might feel awkward, but we're all here for you if you need anything."

I only nod as he walks back inside, quickly finishing the rest of the bottle. I take a seat outside again, leaning my head back as I laugh.

I may have had a bit too much now. Hell, I had too much two bottles ago.

I head inside after a bit, my head still entirely too fuzzy.

"Hyung~" I whine slightly as I approach Jungkook. He's sitting by himself at a table and immediately looks up at me. I see his face scrunch in disapproval before I toss an arm over his shoulder.

"Drink some water, please," He holds out a glass for me and I push it away.

"Boring," I simply state. I flop my head onto the table in between my arms, letting out a groan as I do so. "I wanted to kiss you earlier."

"What?" He asks. I only giggle in response. "You're not making any sense. Everything is slurred, what did you say?"

"Is not 'mportant," I smile at him as I sit up slowly. I lock eyes with him, a loose smile on my face as the large clock at the front of the hall hits midnight, signaling both the end of the party and the release of our MV. A round of applause fills the room as some of the members holler. Slowly, the hall begins to empty as crew and faculty chat to their cars.
I go around to TXT and Light passing out hugs loosely, and scatter a few amongst BTS, as well. To be fair, I only avoided Taehyung.

Although, as we cleared out to our drivers' cars, I found myself lagging. I noticed him falling behind, too. Now that he was closer, I could see him.

His black hair flowed effortlessly over his face as he stared at his feet. His black and silver blazer was thrown over his arm. He looked sad. I couldn't tell why, but in my drunken daze, I threw an arm around him.

He froze. I froze. Though no less drunk, his direct gaze stunned me. For a brief moment, I smiled at him.

He opened his mouth for a moment, and before he could speak, Laon swooped in from behind and pulled me away. I hollered loudly, my mind already lost as he continues to pull me away. I laugh as he does and land in the seat next to him in the car.

The door shuts abruptly behind us and I catch Tae still standing in the doorway. I wave at him through the window, feeling warm as Laon leans over into me.

The ride home is loud and we all crash in the living room for a bit. Joohyun, ever the level-headed hyung, brings us all water and food. Before he can set the food down, I feel the itch again and stumble back to my room. No one questions me as most of them are focused on food- or they're blaming it on my drunkness. 

I close and lock the door behind me, smiling as I pull my clothes off. I pull on a pair of dark grey sweatpants and flop down onto the bed. I giggle as I turn on some music and reach for my vape. 

Further apart,
the closer that we are
I'll keep you far away,
from me like a star
Hard not to fall for you,
I gave you all my heart

Further apart,

the closer,

the closer,

the closer that we are.

My smile turns lazy as I drop the pen to my side. I cough for a bit, laughter filling the pauses as I can still feel the alcohol coursing through me. 

I grab my phone from the bed and open it up, quickly going to Kook's contact. 

You never told me
what you
Waht you

Go to sleep

ur mean :((((((

I was only kidding
We'll talk about it later

I put my phone down, having typed out a response but forgetting to hit send. 

You're always in my brain,
and I take the blame
No matter if it's wrong or right
I'm on a one-way train and it's far away,
but you're still on my mind

I roll over to my side, yawning as drool escapes from my mouth and onto my pillow. 

I stand up and immediately regret doing so. My head pounds and I look over at the clock. 

"7:00" read in bright red digits. 

When did it become day?

Note- The song is Fallen Star by The Neighbourhood :) Happy Monday loves

Ache: A Sequel // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now