▪︎■ 11 ■▪︎

Start from the beginning

"Fucking say that again," His voice was deeper than usually, fuming with rage, just like his eyes.

"Fuck. you." I answered testing his patience. I knew I played with fire but I couldn't help it. I was furious. My skin slightly tingled where his breathing met the surface and my stomach felt unusually light.

As soon a the words left my mouth, his hand wrapped around my throat, choking me. I still looked into his eyes, stretching my neck through lifting my chin which gave him more access automatically and I enjoyed his cold rings against my hot skin. I was still damn angry, but the way his breathing was faster from anger, while my own slowly stopped from the lack of oxygen did something to me. Surprisingly I felt myself growing wet. He was still careful not to cut of the blood flow, so I knew he had no other intention rather than to scare me. Nevertheless it did scare me. Not him though- my own reaction. Normally I would have fought like a mad man, gotten a panic attack, flashbacks,- at the very least felt uneasy. Instead I did something unexpected.

I grinned.

I had never felt like this and I wanted more. So much more. The thought about how good he probably could make me feel was nothing I was proud of.

I took my own hand and placed it on top of his bigger one while still staring into his eyes. Then I squezed, firmly.

"If you choke me..." I pressed out, "Do it harder."

His eyes were hooded, breathing heavy, and I felt his hard dick pressed against me.

He groaned lowly and tilted his head back briefly as if he tried to contain his own emotions and convinced himself of something. This was one of the hottest things I had ever seen and it made me bite my lip and close my eyes a second longer with my next blink.

I felt myself almost passing out and my grip loosened. His own fingers and the pressure disappeared. I gasped for air, keeping the eyecontact steady.

"Don't," he said, referred to me biting my lip. He looked down at my mouth. Our faces where inches apart, I could already feel his hot breathing on my lips.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, gasping for air, then raising an eyebrow.

The distance between our lips was so little, you could really say it was paperthin. My body heated up, tingled and at the same time goosebumps formed all over my skin. I had never wanted to kiss and slap anyone this desperately.

What's wrong with you?! You don't want to kiss him! You want to kill him! Kill him. K.I.L.L. L not S. You hate this arrogant jerk!

"Sei un fottuto rompicoglioni, ma ti voglio. Voglio assaporarti, sentirti, farti stare bene..." (You're a fucking pain in my ass, but I want you. I want to taste you, feel you, make you feel good...)

"You know I don't understand any of it," I said.

"Bet you're into it either way, si?"
It wasn't a question, he was mocking me- with a slick smile at that.

"I really hate you, do you know that?"

Our faces were closer than ever, hatingly staring into each others eyes, then lips.

"Yeah, sure. I can return that, though."

The door opened with a loud noise and we startled apart. We really were lost in the moment... Miguel scratched his neck while looking at us back and forth.

"Sorry for interrupting but I think Philipe wanted to give his death meaning." I stared at him, waiting for further explanations.
"Someone cut the tire of your car, boss."

Miguel gave me a questioning look.

"My favorite fucking car?! Fuck, that's the last thing I need right now..." I let my hand slide through my hair to push it back before I let go and it fell down at the sides of my face again. We three left the bathroom and walked through the hallways.
My heels made a stetic clicking-sound.  

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