From Afar (Doppio x Reader x Y!Diavolo)

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Requested by: @bookloverro
Another long overdue request, sorry for making you wait.


"Hi, I'm Y/N! What's your name?"

Doppio flushed red and was completely caught off guard. "Are you talking to me?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah silly, there's no one else here." She giggled at his shyness. "Since we're both just here alone, I was wondering if maybe you wanted some company."

It was a fine sunny day on the beach. The girl was wearing a bathing suit that fit her just right, and Doppio had been watching her skip around in the water, feeling the ocean breeze and the cooling water around her feet.

He had honestly been admiring her from afar without him even realizing it. So when she turned her attention toward him and actually walked up to him, he was in a bit of a panic.

Would she yell at him for staring? Call him a creep? He almost wanted to shout out, 'I didn't mean to stare at you, I'm sorry!', right then and there before she could say anything to him.

But then he saw her face, pretty with an endearing smile. Her smile made his heart leap. She clearly wasn't upset at him, and he was glad, but still nervous as hell.

"I just didn't expect you to actually talk to me. I think I would like some company--- uh, if that's ok with you of course."

She nodded. "I have one condition though."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Tell me your name."

He laughed and smiled as she sat down on the sand beside him. "I'm Doppio."

"Its nice to meet you, Doppio. You know, I really like that name. It suits you."

He blushed. "You really think so?"

They stayed on the beach until the sun set, talking or occasionally getting up to play in the shallow water. Afterward, they went to get some ice cream.

He became fond of Y/N very quickly and would try to spend time with her whenever he could.

But something kept eating at him at the back of his mind every time they would be together. He would start to feel woozy, and his head would even hurt. Doppio would excuse himself and step away, and he would always get a phone call soon after. Always from the Boss.


"Doppio. You are with her now, yes? When will you bring her to me, Doppio? I wish to see her."

"Boss! I will, I just need some time."

"You are not betraying me are you, Doppio?"

"No Boss, I would never! Its just that---"

"Then bring her to me. Soon. I wish to meet her."

"Yes, Boss."

In truth, Doppio was fearful that someone like the Boss might intimidate or frighten Y/N. He wasn't sure how she would react to the Boss.

Doppio couldn't hold it off for much longer. The Boss had been asking to see her for a while, though Doppio wasn't sure why.

Was it because he talked about Y/N so much to the Boss? Doppio shrugged it off as the Boss just watching out for him.

The next time they planned to meet, Doppio was incredibly anxious. He had brought her flowers, and was just waiting for her now.

"Doppio! Its been a while hasn't it?" Y/N called as she ran up to him. Her beautiful smile widened as she saw the flowers. "Did you get those for me? You're so thoughtful."

He smiled. "I'm glad you like them."

"So, what're we doing today? Did you wanna ride our bikes around town again? Oh, maybe we could go on a hike! The weather's just lovely today isn't it?" She was very lively today.

"Y/N, actually I'd like you to come with me to meet someone. He's a good friend of mine."

"A friend? Sure, I don't mind. What's his name?"

Doppio bit his lip. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone the Boss's name. "Its probably best if I just let him introduce himself to you."

Y/N seemed confused about what the big deal was. She had only asked for a name after all. But she didn't question it or push Doppio for an answer.

"Alright, we can go meet him. If he's your friend then I'm sure I'll like him too. Let's stop by my home first so I can put these flowers in a vase."

Soon enough they were on their way. The Boss had asked him to bring her to an empty house, one where the Boss could meet her without anyone knowing or seeing.

"In here, Y/N." Doppio led her inside. It was a dim house, the rooms sparsely furnished.

"This is the place? Well where is he?"

"He'll be here any second, Y/N! You just need to--- wait--- a little bit longer." Doppio had to pause briefly. He was starting to feel woozy again. He clutched his head.

"Doppio?" She gasped. "What's wrong?"

Doppio stumbled back from her and lost all control. He had arrived.

"Doppio...?" She hesitantly called, seeing the strange new figure that was now in front of her.

He chuckled in a low tone, so different from Doppio's light and airy voice. Yet it came from the same body.

"Not quite. Though I believe that I am much more worth your time and affection."

"Who--- who are you??"

"Someone who's been very interested in you for a while now." He came close and pointed her face to look at his. Y/N shivered as she stared into his piercing green eyes, eyes that stared at her possessively.

"Yes... I can see why he liked you very much. He thought he could keep you all to himself, try to keep you from me. But you are rightfully mine, not his."

"I---I don't know you." She tried to sound brave. "Bring Doppio back, please."

"How dare you?" He suddenly snapped. "You think you can just reject me. I am a king! I take what I want!" He calmed himself down. "And what I want is you, all to myself."

"I don't think I'd like that... please just let me leave." Y/N slowly backed away, then turned and ran as fast as she could.

But in an instant, she was somehow back in his arms again. Not being able to understand what had just happened, she stood frozen there as he carressed her cheek and ran his fingers through her hair.

"I don't believe I ever gave you an option," he whispered softly into her ear. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to get my hands on you. How I've admired you from afar, waiting for the perfect opportunity...

Let's go somewhere nobody can find us, shall we?

Somewhere I can hide you away... forever."

Next up: 🍋Rohan's Girl Part 3🍋

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