Adventurer Pt. 2 (Y! Johnny x Reader x Y! Valentine)

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Warning: Kidnapping, Murder

Requested by: Unicream1234


You woke to Johnny staring straight down at you, eyes full of... something. Was it lust? Maybe you were just assuming too much?

"Uh..." you began.

Johnny said nothing, but poked your cheek. You touched the spot he poked.

"Oh" you chuckled nervously. "Its just a bite, Johnny."

Ever since your encounter with the president, Johnny has been acting stranger than usual.

"I like it."

"You like the bite?" You raised an eyebrow.

He nodded.

Well I was wondering why he always asked to see my bug bites. I guess he likes them? Nothing wrong with that, right?

While you and Johnny were always together, now it felt like he was looking over your shoulder all the time.

You had left Johnny and Gyro momentarily while they were setting up camp a couple days ago because you needed to pee. Obviously you weren't going to do it in front of them!

Those few minutes had caused Johnny to go mad. He had no idea where you had gone.

"Y/N!! Gyro, where's Y/N?! I take my eyes off her for one second! You don't think Valentine's gotten to her do you?! We need to save her!"

Gyro rolled his eyes. "Johnny, shut up. She went to go tinkle. Look, she's coming back, see? Now stop yelling."

Johnny turned toward you, a crazed look in his eyes. "Y/N, you nearly killed me!!"


"I thought something happened to you! Why didn't you tell me where you were going?!"

"But I just went to go p--"

Johnny grabbed your arm and pulled you toward him. He caressed your cheek. "Tell me where you're going next time! Also you shouldn't be going off alone anyways, its too dangerous!"

"Ok, ok. I don't think it's that big of a deal, Johnny."

"I'm just trying to protect you, ok?! Next time you need to go somewhere, tell me."

Now the only time you didn't feel Johnny's eyes on you was when he was sleeping.

You shyly covered the bite on your cheek and tried to change the subject. "Maybe you should get some sleep Johnny, I think you've been up for a while. I'll watch the camp, ok?" You gently squeezed his hand. "We got a full day of riding ahead of us." 

Holding his hand seemed to do the trick. He smiled at you and nodded. "But if you see or hear anything suspicious, wake me up immediately!" 

"I will, now get some sleep."

You breathed a sigh of relief as you watched him drift off.


You whirled around to find Gyro awake. He wasn't very fond of you, but recently he had grown more concerned about Johnny's behavior.

"Oh hey. You're awake." you tried not to wake Johnny up.

He gestured to a spot away from Johnny. "Can we talk?"

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