Adventurer (Y! Johnny x Reader x Y! Valentine)

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Warning: sexual themes

Requested by: HeikaAckerman


All you wanted to do was explore and travel across this great nation with your new friends, Johnny and Gyro.

"I've been meaning to ask you what your name is. What're you doing in a race like this? Pretty girl like you... you could get hurt. Why don't you come with us?" You remembered Johnny saying when you first met him.

"Absolutely not, Johnny! Don't you know women are bad luck?" his friend Gyro protested.

Johnny looked back at Gyro and you figured that Johnny must've had a terrifying look in his eyes, as Gyro reluctantly let you follow them.

You and Johnny learned more about each other and became very close. And Johnny was very protective of you, though you insisted that he didn't need to worry about you. If anything, with him being crippled, you felt the need to protect him.

As a result, you two were hardly apart from each other.

"Y/N, you joined the race to travel the nation, right? Where will you go after the race is over?" Johnny asked you one night, laying under the stars with you.

You looked up dreamily at the starry sky. "Well, this race can only take you so many places. There are still so many other places in this country that I haven't gone to yet. Maybe I'll head down south to New Orleans and then to Texas! What an adventure that'd be!" you said excitedly.

Johnny looked at you lovingly, maybe even a little possessively. He wanted to always be by your side. He wanted to go on all those adventures with you. "I've never met another girl like you, Y/N. Mind if I join you when this is all over?"

You smiled softly at him. "I'd love for you to come along, Johnny."

He smiled. "Hey you got bit by a mosquito earlier right? You should let me see your arm, maybe I can make it feel better."

You scooted closer to him so he could hold your arm. He seemed to be staring intensely at the bite for some reason. You giggled at his strange actions and went back to your thoughts, dreaming eagerly about the future.

But you'd have to face many trials before that future you dreamed of came.

While pursuing Johnny and Gyro for the corpse parts, President Valentine took a keen interest in you. He knew something about you that neither Johnny or Gyro knew.

Where have I seen her before...? That face, the way she moves... Surely I've gazed upon her beauty before, but where? The president searched his memories.

Ah yes... so it's you. How curious.

He turned to his one of his henchman, handing him a picture of you.

"Bring her to me. Unharmed." Valentine emphasized.

The man did as he was told, waiting for an opportunity when Johnny wasn't around you to bring you to the president.

As it turned out, Johnny and Gyro had veered off the race path to pursue another corpse part. Johnny, not wanting to involve you with his dangerous mission, painfully asked you to complete the rest of the journey into town and wait for them there. It tore Johnny apart to push you away like that, even for a little while, to not be with you every waking hour left a hole in him.

He was determined to be yours, to be your everything, but he was equally determined to gather the corpse parts. Slowly, it pulled him apart and began to eat at him.

Extreme Devotion (JJBA Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt