Chapter 7: Betrayed

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Rey woke groggily. At first she didn't know where she was, or what happened. Her head ached terribly. But then she remembered. The droid. The explosion. She sat up, dizzy and bloody, and slowly got to her feet to look for any remains. The droid was obliterated, save for a few scraps scattered within a 20 ft blast radius. It was a miracle she wasn't blind or had shrapnel embedded in her.

 It was a miracle she wasn't blind or had shrapnel embedded in her

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    Had the droid seen her? She couldn't be sure. Just in case it had though, she had to get off the island before the First Order arrived. But that meant she would miss seeing Ben.
    Ben. At the thought of him Rey realized the timing of it all. She told him where she was, and three days later a probe droid lands on her island? It was too much of a coincidence. The epiphany, or maybe the almost blinding pain in her head, caused a few tears to slip out. Rey never realized being betrayed could hurt more than being abandoned. She stopped and took a few shuddering breaths. She trusted him, confided in him even, and he had sold her out. Rey felt her heart harden, putting up walls so she could never be hurt again. What a fool she was, to fall for a pair of pretty eyes. He didn't care about her.

    Rey made her way down the mountain to pack, pressing Finn's beacon as she went

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    Rey made her way down the mountain to pack, pressing Finn's beacon as she went. She was furious at herself and at Ben, but mostly concentrated just trying not to fall down. She was about halfway down the mountain when she noticed the smoke.
    "They're here," she realized aloud. While she was unconscious, the First Order had arrived and ransacked the Caretakers village. It was only a matter of time before they found her hut. Rey tried to run down the mountain but stumbled on the steps with a cry. She was too weak. The blast must have given her a bad concussion, because now she was too dizzy to run, or barely to think. She touched the back of her head, and her fingers came away red and wet. She couldn't run. She couldn't fight. Rey sat on the steps and rested her aching head between her knees. She waited.

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